》Chapter Thirteen《

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A/N Heyyy I'd just like to thank you guys for getting MCB to #1 in the #upcoming list!

I would also like to thank those of you that take a second of your time to vote, it helps a lot <3

A special thanks to xXFree_HugsXx and @Nickydaresyou (even though she's no longer on wattpad) for the continuous support and motivation! Love you guys :)


I cleaned up the kitchen before going in search of Alex.

I found him sitting on his bed, head in his hands.

"Alex? Are you okay?" I whispered, not wanting to startle him.

"Always." was his only reply as he got up and walked towards his desk.

I decided to not question him further.

He walked back towards me, handing me the paperwork for our baby project, "I already did it. Need a ride home?"

"Oh. Um yea I do. So why did you make me stay when I could've just went with Jordan?" I questioned to which he shrugged.

"Well I d-" he was cut off yet again but this time by the sound of heels in the hallway.

His bedroom door swung open to reveal a two faced snake!

I hadn't expected for her to casually show up here after what she did at the party.

She walked over to Alex, completely ignoring my existence as she presses her lips against his and to my surprise he actually kissed her back!

I coughed in an attempt to remind them of my presence.

Alex pulled away from her, looking at me with a bored expression "you can leave now."

I stood there dumbfounded.

Didn't he just offer me a ride? Why is he acting like she didn't cheat on him last night?

This dude got some serious problems but that's none of my business.

I huffed in annoyance as I gather my stuff, preparing to walk home.

Alex and Amber had somehow moved to his bed and I quickly left before it escalates.

As I walked home I decided to call Mia, "Hey, I need to talk to you. Can I come over?"

"Yea of course"

"Twenty minutes? I really need a shower." I said noting that I was still in Alex's clothes.

She laughed,"See you then."


I sat on Mia's bed in silence, not knowing how to bring up the issue at hand.

She stared at me with a confused look on her face, waiting for me to speak.

"Mia, what's going on between you and Parker?" I asked deciding to get straight to the point.

Her confused expression shifted into a broken one and I immediately regret even bringing it up.

Before I could even process what was happening, she began crying uncontrollably.

I guided her to the bed and tried soothing her but the tears wouldn't stop.

"I-I don't know what happened," I handed her a tissue allowing her to blow her nose before continuing,

"I saw this video last night of him and Amber k-k-kissing. I called him and broke up with him, I can't believe he would hurt me like that."

She leaned her head on my shoulder. In all the years that I have known Mia, I have never seen her this broken.

"We had a stupid argument that night an-" she was cut off by a banging on the front door.

"Mia! Open the door! Just let me explain!" Parker's voice boomed through the silent house.

Mia looked at me in shock and I was pretty sure my expression mirrored hers.

We raced to the door, opening it to reveal a distressed looking Parker.

He was wearing the same clothes as last night and had prominent dark circles under his eyes, a clear indication that he didn't get any sleep.

His tired eyes immediately darted to Mia's as a pained expression takes over his features at the sight of her tear stained face.

His hands make their way to her face, wiping her tears.

"Mia, just let me explain. I'm so sorry. You know I would never do anything to hurt you baby." He begged Mia who hadn't said a word since she opened the door.

"I should um leave. Let you guys talk it out." I said awkwardly backing out of the house.

"I'll call you later Lex." Mia whispered as I close the door behind me.

I walked home, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.

They'll work it out. They always do.

As I entered my house, my heart stopped at the sight of my mother laying across the sofa sobbing.

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