Chapter 6

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Mistypaw continued to walk not seeing any stone or even the shrine maybe they went the wrong she hoped not.By now they have been walking for hours it was already sunhigh and the 2 apprentices only took little hunting breaks before the went right back to moving. "  Uh Mistypaw look I know we have to get there but a mini break isnt so bad,anyway we should also elaborate ourselves because we still have yet to know how to get there " said Flamepaw almost begging . Mistypaw just sigh before nodding her head,Flamepaw practically collapsed onto the ground. Mistypaw soon realized the eerie atmosphere of the forest,She knew cats werent allowed because it seemed dangerous and many rouges lived here,but luckily the 2 haven't found any yet.  " dont get too comfy we will rest for a little hunt then get moving got it " said Mistypaw. Flamepaw just nodded.Mistypaw soon felt exhastuion flow over her like rushing water, Mistypaw could barely stay awake as her eyelids forced shut and soon she finally let the darkness overcome her.

Mistypaw opened her eyes to find herself in a starry clearing and not the eerie forest anymore. did I fall asleep? great... Mistypaw  saw a very bright light and didnt hesitate to follow it,the bright light was right in front of Mistypaw as she was blinded by the light.As she went through she heard these words repeat again and again. The Flames and Mist dont forget MISTYpaw. The apprentice soon found her back in the forest just to be in a different place a starry path lit her way...and she knew to follow it. It didnt take long for her to be in a clearing with stones as big as trees stood around, "THE SHRINE star clan are you guiding me YOU DO WANT ME TO FIND THIS PLACE!"  yowled Mistypaw in delight she knew that she was told this for a reason and she now was for sure it was real and she MUST find it. "Thank you for showing me the way" she finished as everything faded to black

Mistypaw shot up in delight just to be greeted to pain. Her first reaction was to yowl in pain, until she saw the cat that had just latched on her left hind leg and then right away clawed at its eye with all her strength. Still shocked by the sudden disturbance looked around for Flamepaw who was cornered by 2 other cats. 

Mistypaw felt a sudden adrenaline and pounced right onto one of the cats ignoring the pain in her hind leg as she clawed at the strangers fur. The other cat was shocked which gave Flamepaw time to do the same and pounce on her other attacker. Mistypaw hissed at the cat she was clawing at as she got kicked off.Soon more cats WAY more cats appeared and the 2 apprentices were completely out numbered. Mistypaw yowled to Flamepaw to run away as she knew that it would just lead to death if they tried to fight so many cats. Flamepaw caught this and ran and soon did Mistypaw. But before the apprentice could get any farther she fell and yowled in pain, her wound was very deep and there was almost no way she could run like this. Flamepaw was soon by her side as the other cats started to gather around them with threatening glares. they both knew they were going to die.

" for such young cats you are quite strong I guess they really are clan cats Hollystar will be pleased " said one of the cats walking up to the 2. Mistypaw glanced to Flamepaw to see a surprised wide eyed apprentice. She was confused why was Flamepaw so surprised she didnt understand why until she spoke " Ma...Maplefur? is that actually you I...but our clan thought you died ". Then it all made sense during the final battle agaisent this weird group of dark furred cats Mistypaw's "mother" told her about a brave Sun clan warrior that died protecting Sunstar and it would have been over but no died defending him,but if he died that why was he here? " Oh you know me I guess they really thought I died, but they were to busy in battle to be able to get my body after and I really never died just passed out..but that doesnt matter the clans are the REAL rouges and you 2 are now our hostages so follow me and please dont struggle we arent afraid to actually kill you so cooperate " finished Maplefur as the group of rouges surrounded as they followed Maplefur.

Mistypaw felt panic rising up her fur stood on end and her claws unsheathed as she limped with Flamepaw by her side helping her keep balance. Mistypaw tensed up as a dark thorned entrance caught her eye. Once they went through it wasent at all what see was a complete camp a clan one..but it didnt feel safe she could feel all the glares from miles away they were like fangs biting at her one by one. They were forcefully seated near a big rock like the one their leaders usually go for clan meetings. " ah what are such young apprentices like you out in the forest did your clan abandon you like your little warrior friend over there " laughed a she-cat with hazel fur and splotches of a darker brown. Before Mistypaw could speak she was shushed, " Dont speak little warrior, my name is Hollystar and well you seem to be quite lost to have entered here, hasent your clan told you the forest of shadows arent a place for clan cats like you " teased Hollystar. Flamepaw growled annoyed from her words, which only made the she-cat laugh. " your clan hasent told their kits and foolish apprentices about this forest HA what fools I say FLAMEpaw your quite familiar or right you were at the last gathering your first right?"  said Hollystar. Flamepaw gasped and I felt myself shrink into my fur, I remember rumors of there being  a new clan but one of rouges what is going on?!  the whole clan fell into laughter as they realized that they had no idea.  " what a clan of IDIOTS oh young ones we warned them we would play dirty, so apprentices welcome to ROUGE CLAN. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Rouge clan..a new one but why rouges why must this she-cat be their leader soon Hollystar gestured toward some of her warriors and they forced us to follow them once again. We were mostly dragged to a den with a thick wall of thorns and forced inside as 2 of their warriors stayed at the entrance of this "den".

 Me and Flamepaw were silent for a long time shocked and dazed from the sudden events. Soon the first to speak wasent us of the warriors. " Well I dont see any point of acting like this, so nice to meet you two I am Berchstock I am one of this clans obviously newer warriors " said the warrior that look as brown as bark. Mistypaw was taken aback by his kind and welcoming tone but soon answered back "oh OH uh...well I am..uh Mistypaw and that is my partner Flamepaw " Flamepaw gave a nod of greeting also stunned. The other warrior soon understood the flow and also introduced herself " well then that makes me Marigold, it is nice to meet you " said the other who was white with golden spots. " uh hi..I have never heard a warrior name like yours " greeted Flamepaw awkwardly. " Oh well let me answer that..I am a rouge as you can tell the ones with a actual warrior name were from one of the clans before and well the rouges kept their names, its like our culture " Marigold explained. And me and Flamepaws confused expressions faded as a surprisingly friendly conversation started.


WELP decided its time to do a little well sorta longer chapter. since I am intoducing a clan THAT JUST joined I thought their weird and new rouge culture could do some explaining and well if you do remeber the first spoken prophecy then...well you will see because NO SPOILERS  anyway hope you enjoy this new chapter of my warrior cats Fan story

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