Chapter 1

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  All the queens and warriors screeched or howled as the two kits were being carried by a hawk away, one has already went limp while the other tried yowling for help but it turned into barely audible yelps.
And soon a warrior the kit recognized as Leopardclaw jumped  on it's back class unseathead until it fell down to the ground. A grumpy black tom pushed all the warriors away to examine the kits and announced the dreading words the kit didnt want to hear. "Snowkit is dead but Mistykit is barely alive, but if star clan is on this kits side it may live," he said with sorrow.which was the last thing she heard before passing out.

"Mistypaw wake up your late for training with Leopardclaw!" Growled a orange she-cat with a stubby tail as she nudged Mistypaw. Mistypaw jolted awake at the realization that she is late for her first day of training with her mentor."I overslept,great what a way to start my first moon as an apprentice," sarcastically mumbled Mistypaw.The she-cat giggled as she backed away from Mistypaw."Thanks for waking me Cherrypaw I wish could chat but I got to go meet up with Leopardclaw," hurried Mistypaw bolting out of the apprentices den before Cherrypaw could say goodbye.She quickly ran to the camps entrance to see leapordclaw waiting with a brown tabby tom who Mitstypaw remembers to be Treepaw and his mentor,who was a white she-cat with slick fur.
"Sleeping in now are we Mistypaw," teased her mentor.The white she-cat just sighed as she padded out of camp with leopardclaw close behind. " dont mind Lightvole, she can be a little grumpy when she has to wait," whispered Treepaw." Guess I just need to adjust to being an apprentice" responded Mistypaw."Today we are going to head to Moon cliffs to practice some hunting ok?" Said Leopardclaw.The two apprentices nodded their heads as they ran to the moon cliffs.Mistypaw felt somewhat excited to finally be out of camp and train to be a warrior, but she just couldn't enjoy it,she wished Snowkit would be the one training with her like it should have been.
As soon as we all made it training began instantly while I learned how to properly do a hunters crouch, Treepaw was practicing his pouncing.
We did sorta grow up together he is just a half a moon older then me which is why his mother took her in when her mother died so they managed to get somewhat friendly with each other." MISTYPAW, are you not paying attention try pouncing," howled Leopardclaw in frustration.Mistypaw tried pouncing but just tripped over her own paws which earned a giggle from Treepaw and a disappointed glare from her mentor and Lightvole.She licked her chest in embarrassment as Leopardclaw showed her how to pounce once more.
They trained till dawn before finally heading back to camp, Mistypaw thought she would never make it as her paws ached from practicing all day and before she could make it to the apprentices den she got stopped in her tracks by her old friend ,Cherrypaw."you didnt let me say goodbye earlier so I am not going to jet you disappear on me without telling me about your first day,or do you want me to ask Treepaw," she teased.She knows me too well.
"Ok I will tell you all about my first day but trust me it would be like many other training sessions," warned Mistypaw.Cherrypaw narrowed her eyes," well that's definitely not what I heard from Treepaw" she giggled.I glared at her knowing what game she is playing at and I cant hide the truth from this devious she-cat."Cherrypaw come on patrol with me,it might help you get used to the boundaries" yowled her mentor and so she quickly padded off like we didnt even speak at all.Well at least now I won't have to tell her about how tough everything went.
But our medicine cat, Darkrye bumped into me and asked something that made me wish I had told Cherrypaw about training instead."Oh..hey Mistypaw all the other apprentices are out hunting training or patrolling so please take some bile and help Cinder with her flea problem."o-oh sure I will take care of that," I panickly responded.He nodded before quickly running off to the leaders den.Great now I have to deal with fleas.
So Mistypaw padded off to Glowpaw for some mouse bile."Mistypaw what brings you here, you didnt get injured during training did you," wondered Glowpaw."I am fine but Darkrye asked me to take care of the elders fleas," groaned Mistypaw. Glowpaw showed her to the bile and Mistypaw got some on here paws before leaving to the elders den and she heard all the chattering and gossiping.She quickly entered  the den and searched for fleas on each of them, and when found none except a few on cinder pelt she quickly applied the bile ignoring what they are saying.As she finishes the bile she heads out of the den and to the entrance to get to the river snd clean off the bile.
"Hey Mistypaw where are you headed?" Questioned Lightvole from afar." Just leaving to clean off some mouse bile" she swiftly answered.And as soon as she saw Lightvole nod she ran to the river to clean off the bile as quickly as possible, ignoring her aching body as she makes sure the bile is completely washed off.She quickly noticed the scent her pelt prickled as she worried it was an intruder but recognized the scent of Cherrypaw.
"Mistypaw?what brings you here I thought you were going to rest," said Cherrypaw shocked.Mistypaw answered with one simple word "mouse-bile." Cherrypaw nodded sweating beside her friend." You know I am just worried right,you have been getting more distant less confident and unaware of what your doing half the time so please for the love of Star clan tell me what's wrong," Cherrypaw finished not hesitating to show any worry she holds.Mistypaw looked down with guilt flooding her face, has she really been getting distant with her friends?" I am sorry Cherrypaw its just I cant furget Snowkit and Violetspots I just miss them, and even though the watch me from Star clan I wish they could just be here for me or at least Snowkit-," Mistypaw let out a few tears before continuing." Why did I survive and not him why couldn't the hawk just never come then he would be here with us training with us like he should have," she barely managed to finish the last sentance because of the pain."its ok Mistypaw I know how hard it must be to lose kin but that is the life of a Clan cat,to fight and die for your clan and even tragedies happen but we sadly cant stop them, all we can do it...move on," she finished."I know...but thanks for the chat Cherrypaw I really needed it,"I ended.She have me one last comforting smile as she got up and walked in back to camp with the starlit skies shining above us.
Many had already retired to their den  so we quickly sneaked our way to the apprentices den and found a cozy spot in a corner of the den.And soon I let the pitch black darkness lead me to sleep.

"Hey Mistypaw get up, Mistypaw,"said a soft voice. So slowly rose Mistypaw and noticed she was not in the apprentices  den, but a starry field with starlit skies.And that wasn't the only thing she noticed but the tiny white kit in front of her which almost made her tear up. "Snowkit," she mourned."it is great to see you once again sister but I have only a minor bit of time.Only a little but I have so much I want to say. "What is it you want to say Snowkit," she asked with curiosity."I am here to deliver a prophecy to you and you must always have these words in mind and never forget them," he says urgently.She nodded and let him speak once again."when the grey mists meet a sparking flame a NEW DAWN will rise.I will always remember these words for you brother just please let us speak just once."I am afraid you must make this journey alone well mostly,but until we meet once more goodbye Mistypaw," he said sorrowfully."WAIT BROTHER PLEASE, dont leave me again I dont want you to leave Snowkit!" she cried.But only receiving one last smile from her fading brother before it all turns black.

again sorry if its choppy I got writers block half way through so it aint that good ;-;

I just realized I had written 1030 in the last draft on this but you know I had to rewrite the story completely I also made it WAAAAAY longer which I think went well

1480 words

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