Chapter 4

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Mistypaw ran far into the forest, and the undergrowth started to get thicker
the farther she got.She needed a place to hide she cant run forever,the deputy will catch up and it may not go well for the grey furred apprentice if she is found.

Fortunately for her a group of bushes made a perfect hiding spot for her, and they might even mask a little of her scent.            
She moved into the leaves until she found a little creaves she could stay in until she thought it as clear.

Mistypaw tucked her tail in between her hind legs, and she kept as quiet as she could. Soon Heartclaws scent surrounded the area, alerting her that the black and white tabby was near.

"I know your here, come on out little apprentice," she cooed.
"I can just forget all about this and we can head back to the clan, just as long as you dont get in my way."

Mistypaw stayed in place not falling for the traitors lies. "Very well if you want to play it the hard way!" Heartclaw growled in frustration.
Mistypaw held still as she heard Heartclaw stalk away.

Mistypaw continued to hide for a mere second more before being pounced on by a grass clan cat, and once Mistypaw took a sniff at their scent she was glad to find Treepaw instead of the deputy.
"Mistypaw?!where have you been?" Exclaimed the dark brown apprentice.

"I was stuck in a situation,but I am back now," Mistypaw reassured her worried friend. "Well I am sure the clan will be glad your fine, Cherrypaw  
,her mother, and your mentor have been worried sick about you," he mentioned.

"And I mean I was also pretty worried..." he muttered clearly trying not to let Mistypaw hear his worry.
"You should go now I have somewhere to be," she said bluntly earning a suspicous look from Treepaw .

"Wair where are you going, your not sneaking around with Sun clan, or rouges are you?" He asked suspicous but Mistypaw thought she caught a hint of pain from the thought.

"No of course not I am loyal to my clan," she hissed.
"But please tell Cherrypaw I will be back soon," she lied.

"Be back soon, what do you mean?" He questioned.

But Mistypaw already ran, knowing that she left her only chance of getting back to her clan safely. But she thinks no...she knows that she will be in danger if she goes back, she can't die yet she needs another way to defeat that power hungry deputy.

And though she wouldn't admit it, she was worried about Flamepaw and needed to make sure the stubborn apprentice was ok.
"All I have to do is track her scent, no problem right?" She muttered to herself. But there was a problem, and that problem is named Heartclaw.

She doesn't know where the rouge deputy is, and she could have found Flamepaw already.

And with that thought she sped up she kept speeding up until she caught Flamepaws scent."Flamepaw are you there, where are you?" She yowled.
Flamepaws scent soon mingled with the scent of Patchspot and the wretched deputy which frightened Mistypaw only a little.

Her thought wandered at the possibility until she reached Patchspots cold limp body laying in the clearing, stained with puddles of blood. And this time instead of anger she was flooded with sadness at the sight of his lifeless eyes.

"I promise Patchspot, I will avenge you and all you will fall to Heartclaws terany," Mistypaw declared.
"Um hello I am right here if you dont mind, I know he was from your clan, and your having a touchy moment but Heartclaw wont stand and wait for us to get away," said a she-cat behind Mistypaw. The grey she-cat jumped in surprise at the new comer and held a growl in her throat worrying iT was an enemy.

"Woah calm down it's just me, Flamepaw I just do r want to leave you to die you did take care of me while I was unconscious," Flamepaw urged

"Flamepaw we are near the border of your clan, and I am sure you know where it is, so please go back to your clan," Mistypaw responded
"What about you are you still going back to Grass clan, or are you telling me to leave now so you can do something else," Flamepaw questioned.

Mistypaw looked away she knew if she answered this the apprentice would not let her go.
"I see then I am coming with you no matter what," She insisted.
Mistypaws eyes widened in shock how did she know she wasn't going back to Grass clan, at least not yet...

"How did you know, I didnt tell you anything about me leaving," Mistypaw rebuked.
"Actually you just told me now," Flamepaw smirked as Mistypaw growled at her.

Mistypaw stalked away in anger and Flamepaw followed right behind.
"Why are you following me, you have a clan to go back to and I dont!" Mistypaw hissed.
"Well I may have a clan to go back to, but your to foolish to try and go back to your clan!" Flamepaw retorted.

"Well maybe that's because my deputy wants to kill me, and even if I tell anyone there is no way they would believe one apprentice over their deputy!" The grey she-cat yowled.

"Well then what about 2 apprentices!" Flamepaw spat

"Well last time I checked there was only-" Mistypaw paused and thought about Flamepaws answer. She wants me to confront Bearstar and have her be my other witnesses... Mistypaw let put a mrrow of laughter at her answer.
"Hey I am serious I can be your other witness, I saw what she did and tried to do just like you did," Flamepaw snapped.

"You, a Sun clan apprentice being my other witness agiansent the deputy of my clan," Mistypaw chuckled.
Flamepaw pouted that her idea is being waved off like dust in the wind.

"No using you would only put you in danger, now the longer we stay here the more danger were in so goodbye," Mistypaw finished.Then without hesitation left the apprentice alone, and to her annoyance Flamepaw once again started following the tired apprentice.

"I mean it, if you wont listen to my idea then I will follow you and help you from now until your save and sound,your in this place because of me after all," Flamepaw stated.

And with that the journey of these two apprentices begin.

AND SO the journey begins into the vast land to defeat Heartclaw this will be a fun journey wont it!   ANYWAY hope you enjoyed!

Well lookie here chapter 4 is done and rewritten and brand new and more coordinated so I hope you enjoy this rewrite!!!

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