Chapter 47

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"Sylvia! Can you get the door!" My dad called from the kitchen while I was setting the dinning room table for four. I quickly finished placing the red fabric napkins on the white china plates before straightening my plain black skater dress.

Finn had left around 2 o'clock after we had breakfast and walked around the beach. Now he was returning with his father for dinner. I rushed to the door in my nude heals and opened the right side of the two door wooden entry to face my boyfriend and his father. Their faces were almost spitting images of each other with the exception of their hair. Finn had dirty blonde hair that swooped up and to the side while his father had jet black hair worthy of an esteemed lawyer. Finn wore a button down shirt and his khaki shorts had been switched to dockers which I'm sure he was loving (note the sarcasm).

His father was dressed to the nines in a suit like my father was. I gestured for the two of them to come in with a smile on my face. They obliged and my dad appeared from the kitchen as I was closing the front door.

"Mr. Mason. I would apologize for overdressing for I had a work obligation, but we seem to be in the same position." Finn's dad spoke confidently with a smile on his face while reaching his hand out for a handshake.

"You know how it is. Work never stops." My dad replied with a smile and have a firm hand shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you. And please, call me Steven."

"The pleasure is all mine. And likewise, call me George."

I turned my head away from our fathers enthusiastic greetings, and gave my boyfriend a peck on the lips before he handed me a bottle of Chardonnay. "Am I the only one who is creeped out by the fact they're talking like best friends after ten seconds of knowing each other?" Finn said under his breath as we turned to watch them speak animatedly with large smiles.

"Nope. I think it's weird too." I said in a same tone as we eyed the two older men laughing with each other like they hadn't just met less than a minute ago . "But I suppose that is a good thing."

Finn didn't get a chance to respond because our fathers turned back to us. "Sylvia, it's great to see you again. Although my boy didn't tell me you two were dating until yesterday morning." Mr. Riley gave Finn a pointed look.

"Eh. They're teenagers. I had to force it out of her two weeks ago." My father joked but also gave me the same stern look causing everyone to smile.

"I still don't know how Finn managed to trick a wonderful girl like you into dating him, but I'll take it." His father laughed again. Finn scoffed besides me and rolled his eyes but I laughed and pushed his side a little with my shoulder.

"Hear that? Your dad likes me better than you already." I mocked him.

"Yeah, yeah. For someone who says I'm all ego, you sure seem to have your head wedged up your ass."

"At least I can control it. You, on the other hand, have no off switch."

"Hey I wanted to ask you something." Finn's smile was wiped off his face name his serious demeanor took over. "Don't hesitate to say no. But I was thinking, since we have to be in DC in two weeks and school doesn't start for another five months, we don't have a place to live. I know our relationship is still young and all but we've know each other for a little while so I was thinking maybe we could get an apartment together." He seemed nervous despite the fact that he was trying to hide it. I found it endearing.

"Of course I'll move in with you." I replied before pecking his lips again. "Besides, apartments around DC are expensive so we would each need a room mate anyway. Not to mention that we practically live together now. And the fact that we probably would have been roommates even if we weren't dating. And-" Finn cut me off.

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