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"I'm going to miss you so much!" Al sobbed into my shoulder while her arms stayed wrapped around my waist tightly. My own arms were around her small frame too. "My only girlfriend is leaving me."

"It's okay, babe. I'll see you at graduation in three months when we all walk together." I whispered while trying to keep my tears back. We had decided to all say goodbye at my house so we didn't have breakdowns in the middle of the airport. "I'll text you all the time and we can face time and it will be like we aren't even gone."

Al released me from her tight grip and whipped her blue eyes. "Don't make too many new friends in DC. I still need a spot." She joked and I gave a soft smile. Her eyes fell on Finn across my bedroom. "Get over here you heartless beast. I'll miss you too."

Finn rolled his eyes but none the less he and Al shared a long and silent hug. He was sad about leaving her too. They had been friends since Sophomore year when Al and Chris started dating. "I'll miss you too." I heard him whisper.

When he pulled away he blinked really fast a few times to try and appear like we wasn't about to just start bawling. He caught me smirking at him slightly and sent a small glare.
Chris was next in line is I have him a big hug. "Keep him in line while I'm gone." Chris laughed in my ear.

"Don't worry. It's pretty easy to keep him under control. You just got to know his spots." I teased.

"Ew, Sylvia. Too much detail." He said only half grossed out and half amused. "No but really, I'll miss you a lot. See you in three months, hotshot."

"Miss you too, Chris." I murmured before moving onto Sam. I didn't watch Finn say goodbye to Chris because I knew it was personal for them.

My lisp touched Sam's ear as I spoke. "Thanks for being there on my first day. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"I'm glad I decided to be nice to you that day. I'll miss my partner in crime." He replied whit his arms still around me. "Don't forget me when you meet all those celebrity players."

"I wouldn't dream of it, best friend."

I didn't watch as Finn said goodbye to Sam either. They got a moment alone together too. Everyone looked like they were about to cry and I don't know if I would be able to make it out the door.

"Guys come on! Your Uber will be here any minute!" My dad called from downstairs.

Finn and I had said our goodbyes to our parents half an hour ago. They were less emotional though because they were still family. After high school, friends tended to drift which was something we all knew but none of us wanted to admit. It was heart breaking but Finn and I were done. On to a new chapter of our lives. Together.

We spent our last week in Connecticut packing almost all of our things and shipping them down to a storage unit in Maryland. We would move all our stuff once we got an apartment. For now we would be staying in a hotel until we got a place of our own.

Finn and I went to the beach, went to Duchess, the mall, the movies, and ate all the bagels and pizza you could imagine. We did everything that was unique to home (I had a Duchess egg sandwich in my fridge for the airport. That's what I'll actually miss from this shithole.).

"I love you guys. I'll see you in June." I said while casting them all a longing look as we all stood crowded in my bedroom.

"I love you guys too." Finn said softly before we all started saying we loved each other.

"Uber's here!" My dad shouted. We said our final goodbyes and descended my stairs to where our carry ons and my dad waited at the front door. I sling my backpack over my back like Finn and grabbed my small overhead suitcase.

"Bye Daddy. I'll see you in three months." I said and pulled him into a crushing hug. Our goodbyes had been said earlier, but I needed one more. "I love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Your mom would be proud." That almost got the tears falling but I managed to blink them back. I hoped my mom would have been proud. That's all a daughter ever wants in life, and somehow I believed my dad. She would be proud of me. "Bye Finn. See you in three months." By dad said as we pulled away.

"You too, Steven." Finn replied and the shared a brief hug. I found it endearing that they got along so well. "Ready?" Finn asked, turning his dark green eyes to me.

"As I'll ever be." I said and walked out the door without looking back at my friends and family. I would cry if I did. Finn shut the large wooden door behind him and grabbed my suitcase when we descended the steps.

He put both of our luggages as well as his backpack in the back of the black suburban that was our Uber. I followed suit and thew my black North Face backpack in the trunk. I shut it and Finn held the car door open for me.

Without hesitation I slid across the leather seats to the left side of the car, and Finn got in after me. "Time to get this show on the road." I murmured as we buckled our seats.

"There's no one I would rather do it with." Finn smiled and pecked my lips as the car pulled out of the driveway.

"To Tokyo, baby. We're going to Tokyo."

Sylvia's story isn't over yet, be sure to check out Synonym. The preview is in the next chapter. ❤️

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