Group Chat

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ChrisHems: Heyy! Long time, no see

ThomHiddles: Oh God.

ChrisHems: Well, we wouldn't have to have these awkward conversation starters if you just STOPPED BLOCKING ME

ThomHiddles: How did you find me this time?

ChrisHems: Well, you switched your account (you sneaky bastard) but you follow LP on this one too. All I had to do was search all twelve possible names you could have chosen.

ChrisHems: You will never outsmart me, Hiddle-poo

ChrisHems: I will always be watching you.

ThomHiddles: You're a freak

ChrisHems: AW! You're so sweet!

ThomHiddles: Ugh

ChrisHems: You keep talking to me so I can't be that bad!

ThomHiddles: ...

ThomHiddles: I guess not


ThomHiddles: Seriously? How old are you? Five?

ChrisHems: No. I'm 24. You know this, baby!

ChrisHems: I can't believe you forgot my birthday... What kind of husband are you?

ThomHiddles: Oh for... I'm not convinced you're over the age of 15.

ChrisHems: Chatting up minors, Tom? Not cool!

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ChrisHems: I'm Sorry

Chris Hems: No, really. I'm sorry. I act like a dumb ass when I'm into somebody

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ChrisHems: I see. I guess I'll just leave you, then. Goodbye Tom

ThomHiddles: Don't leave!

ThomHiddles: I apologize for my rudeness. I just... didn't know how to respond to that

ChrisHems: Respond to what?

ThomHiddles: You said that you were... into me?

ChrisHems: Can you blame me? You're hot as fuck, man.

ThomHiddles: Oh Lords

ChrisHems: What? Am I wrong?

ThomHiddles: Very

ChrisHems: oh for... hell no. Wait a damn minute!

ThomHiddles: What? Why?

ChrisHems added you, MRuffalo, EmoLesbo, JeremyRenner69 and RobertFrownyJr to a group chat

ThomHiddles: Who are these people?

ChrisHems: My friends. GUYS!

ChrisHems: HEY YOU GUYS!!!


EmoLesbo: You do realize that writing our names in capital letters does not mean we can hear you.

ChrisHems: Scarlett!!!

EmoLesbo: *sighs* what, you big, blonde buffoon? 

ChrisHems: That's abuse, Scarlett. I'll tell Elizabeth!

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