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ChrisHems: Just 5 days and 7 hours, babe.

ThomHiddles: Don't bother

ChrisHems: What? What's wrong?

ThomHiddles: I don't want you here. Leave me alone

ChrisHems: What- what the fuck are you talking about?

ThomHiddles: Leave. Me. Alone. I don't want anything to do with you

ChrisHems: No, you can't be fucking serious. Seriously, what's wrong? We can talk through this, alright? Like we always do.

ChrisHems: Come on, baby, I'm panicking here. Tell me what's wrong

ThomHiddles: I'm with somebody else. I don't want you anymore


ChrisHems: No

ChrisHems: This isn't you

ChrisHems: Who the FUCK are you and why the FUCK do you have my boyfriends' phone?

ThomHiddles: It is me

ChrisHems: Prove it, asshat

ThomHiddles: You can't make me

ChrisHems: Cut the bullshit, dipshit, and give my boyfriend back his fucking phone.

ThomHiddles: No. You're not his and he is not  yours. He's mine and he'll always be mine.

ChrisHems: You creepy little fucker. I swear to fuck. Where is he?

ThomHiddles: Somewhere safe. Somewhere you won't get him

ChrisHems: If you've touched him in any way, I swear to God. I'll rip your bastard head off and shove it so far up your asshole; you'll be puking brains for years.

ThomHiddles: Idle threats. Well fuck you! Tom is happy now.

ChrisHems: I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you. If he's hurt, you won't breathe again. Do you hear me?

ThomHiddles: Good luck finding him

ChrisHems: ASSHOLE

Message failed to send. Try again

ChrisHems: FUCKER

Message failed to send. Try again

I couldn't just leave this chapter here, and leave you all in the dark. So here's a little bit extra :)

Unknown number: Chris? Hey it's me. I lost my phone


Unknown number: Oh? Wow, just because I didn't answer your messages for a day? I'm flattered, baby.

Chris Hemsworth: No, no, no, no. You don't understand. The person who stole your phone said he had you. Are you okay?

Unknown number: Shit, really? Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I lost it at work. This is my sister's phone. I'm perfectly okay

ChrisHems: Thank god, thank god, thank god. I'm crying and getting lots of weird looks. God, I can't

Unknown number: I'm so sorry, darling. Are you alright? Are you really on a plane?

ChrisHems: I am yeah. It's supposed to be 4 days and 3 hours but its looking more like 2 hours now.

ChrisHems: I'm so fucking glad you're okay. Liam has been worried too

Unknown number: Aw, darlings, I'm okay. I'm okay. You'll see me soon. God, I can't wait. I'll be at the airport

ChrisHems: So, it's finally happening, huh?

Unknown number: It sure is, baby

ChrisHems: Turn your sister's phone off until you get here. I don't want you crashing.

Unknown number: Alright. See you soon

ChrisHems: Be careful

Unknown number: I love you

ChrisHems: I love you too

Unknown number: Always?

ChrisHems: Forever


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