Valentine's Day

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ThomHiddles: Happy Valentines Day, Chris!

ChrisHems: Aw! Happy Valentines Day, babe :)

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ChrisHems: Aw! Happy Valentines Day, babe :)

ThomHiddles: Wow, we have very different Valentine imagines

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ThomHiddles: Wow, we have very different Valentine imagines

ChrisHems: True

ChrisHems: So... is it official?

ThomHiddles: Is what official

ChrisHems: Do you want to be my dear, dear boyfriend?

ThomHiddles: Are you, like, serious?

ChrisHems: Well I wouldn't say it if I wasn't serious. Do I look stupid to you?

ThomHiddles: Yes

ChrisHems: #offended #rejected #heartbroken. I'm going to start a twitter thread. THE TOM THAT GOT AWAY. I'll be the next Katie Perry.

ChrisHems: Sorry. You know I'm an idiot when I'm nervous. What do you say Tommy? I, uhm, really like you. Would you want to date me?

ThomHiddles: Yeah. Yeah, I really would Chris. Oh my Lords J

ChrisHems: Oh thank God. Wow, so yeah. We're dating now J

ThomHiddles: Yeah! I suppose we are!



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