Woozi (1 part 1)

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Please read the author note at the end X'D thx


"Y/N, a young lady does not stare out into space or daydream. Especially not in class.", your tutor scolded you, her mouth formed in a straight line.

You snapped out of your daydream and looked at your tutor. You sighed and slouched in your seat. "Yes ma'am.", you said in a bored tone but still tried to be polite.

You were really bored.

Your tutor shook her head. "And you must not slouch in your seat. You are a princess for crying out loud."

You let out yet another sigh and sat up straight. "Yes ma'am."

Your tutor shook her head and mumbled something under her breath. Then she turned around to continue writing on the blackboard.

As her back was facing you, you took this opportunity to slouch again. Well, this time you didn't slouch back, you just propped your elbow on your desk and rested your chin in your hand.

Just doing that would make your tutor think of your sitting position as very un-lady like. Especially because you're a princess. That's what she would say.

A princess? Yes, as cliche and fairy tale as it sounds, you are a princess. Many little girls wish and dream of being a princess. But you only hope that they would change their dreams.

Being a princess isn't all pink things and tiaras. It's not as wonderful as it seems.

As a princess, you always have to be polite and well-mannered. No laughing out loud or burping or snoring or slouching. You weren't even allowed to yawn in public!

You had your duties and all. Learning about royalty, table manners and keeping your balance. And you even had to learn how to waltz, which you never got right.

You weren't allowed to speak your mind freely. And almost all of your choices were made for you, you couldn't choose.

Your mother and father, the King and Queen, always made the the choices for you. They would always say it's best for you and best for the kingdom. You would protest and all if you disagree, which you mostly do, but your parents wouldn't listen to you. So you learned to just nod and keep quiet.

But you got bored and tired of everything. Tired of no one listening to your thoughts and opinions. Tired of not having any friends because you weren't allowed out of the castle walls. Tired of all the stupid royalty classes you were to attend. Tired of being stuck inside the castle, your so-called home.

And you were just tired of being... a princess.

You just wanted to be a normal teenage girl for once.

You got deep into your thoughts and didn't hear a single word your tutor was saying. You didn't notice her giving you the stare until she raised her voice. "Y/N, did you listen to a word  I said?" She put her hands on her hips as your mind went back to earth.

You immediately sat up straight. A cheeky smile formed on your innocent face.

"Umm... Could you repeat it again, please?"

Your tutor let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed her temples as if you were giving her a massive headache. Which, maybe you were.

"Let's just call it a day and start this class over tomorrow, okay?" She packed up her things and turned to leave.

You watched her until she dissapeared out into the hall.

Your cheeky yet innocent smile turned into a little grin.

"Well done, Y/N. You got yourself an hour off class before breakfast!", you said proudly to yourself, giving yourself an applause.

You got out of your chair and skipped happily out of the room.

I know that was a very weird and short update...

I'm not done writing it coz a wonderful thing called school is coming~ yaaay 😅😊😐 but that means I won't be able to update as much... bummer 😐😑

Hope you guys have a wonderful school year! 😁😅😆

I'll update again when I get back so wait for meh! :D And don't worry, Woozi is going to pop up soon in the story~

Luv ya guys~

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