Pt. 2|| Another Star (Alucard x Ruby)

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A week passed by since the encounter I had with Ruby. Without really meaning to, I was actually sorta hoping she'd show up again.

And another day ended and I saw no sign of Ruby. I would go back to her locker, but I don't know if that's actually appropriate to do, we've only spoken once, should I really be loitering around her locker?

After I learned that Zilong's heartbreak caused him to forget about every single task, including picking up Chang'e, I started picking her up in his place. It's sad to see that even Chang'e is affected by this incident too.

I walked off to the side of the crowd to exit the school grounds, as I did I was attempting to organize my thoughts.

I was moving in basically an autopilot mode, but everything was suddenly interrupted when someone yanks me over and takes me out of my head.

"Jeez, I didn't think finding a giant would be this difficult..." The person let out a sigh and I finally look over, then down and see Ruby.

"Oh hey Ruby."

"Don't 'oh hey' me, you freaking giant idiot." I blinked down at her in confusion.

"What's the problem?" She lets out an exasperated groan.

"Okay, first off, you never gave me YOUR name, secondly, you said 'see you later' but have put in zero to no effort into trying to 'see me later'? And third, you're freaking stupid!"

"Wait, wait, slow down real quick." I hold my hands up to stop her from possibly jumping on me, because that seemed a bit too possible at the moment.

She stands there with her arms crossed and waits for me to answer her, "Okay, so firstly, my name is Alucard. Secondly, I thought it'd seem weird for me to start loitering around your locker, I expected to just see you around school, maybe during break again or when we were heading to class. And third, I am not that stupid."

"Alucard, huh? More like Alutard, you met me at MY locker, and you were in the juniors' area, I'm younger than you and I look younger than you too. How could you not make those connections???"

I stood there silently as I connected the dots with all the evidence she laid out, "...whoops."

"Yeah, 'whoops'."

With that there was silence between us two and I glanced around awkwardly. I took out my phone and checked the time. Oh shit, "Okay, I didn't want to end up running again like last time we met. But I gotta go, now."

She gives me a confused look and opens her mouth to speak, but I check my phone again and see that I have 10 minutes to run to pick up Chang'e, I am not pulling a Zilong on her.

I give Ruby an apologetic look and start sprinting in the direction to get to Chang'e.


I arrive on time and wait for Chang'e as I started to catch my breath. And not a minute passed when I was suddenly smacked on the back of the head, "Ow." I glance behind me and see Ruby, again.

"Why did you runaway, to an elementary?"

"I had to pick up someone." And in that moment I see Chang'e walk out, dang, speak of the devil.

"And there she is." I wave at Chang'e and she starts walking over to me.

"Is that your little sister or something?" Ruby looks at Chang'e and then back up at me to somehow find a connection.

"What, no. Just a friends little sister."

"And why are you picking her up and not them?"

"Oh...he's been forgetting to pick her up these days so I decided I'd just start doing it for him." She nods and glances down to where Chang'e is now standing.

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