Chapter 3

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"Here's the milkshake I promised." Katelynn handed me a classic milkshake cup as we were sitting at one of the diners in town with her boyfriend.

"Thank you." I started to drink it and it honestly was just another milkshake to me but she acted like it was the greatest milkshake ever. "It's great!"

"Good!" She clapped her hands and ate her cheese fries, feeding some to her boyfriend. I was definitely third wheeling but I didn't mind. Anything to get out of the house. I've been spending most of the week at the blue house, doing the last minute touches when it gets rented out at the end of this week. I was glad to get out of the house so I could get away from Preston. The last time we talked was when he got that splinter out of my foot but since then, the tension has been awkward. I only saw him when I left for the house and sometimes when I came back to grab something. He was nowhere near being finished with the flooring and I don't know why it's taking him so long. He did have to do almost every room though but he was still in the living room/kitchen.

"Have you met any cute guys yet?"

"Not yet. I've been busy." I shrugged, sucking down more of my milkshake.

"Well you should go to a party tomorrow night with us. It's that blue house like 10 doors down from you." You mean my blue house? I wonder who was staying there.

"Who's throwing it?"

"Some girl that use to live here is coming back and throwing this big party." This time, Zack chimed in. Katelynn got an annoyed look on her face and rolled her eyes, shoving a fry in her mouth. Seems like there's bad beef with this girl and Katelynn.

Even though I wondered about the girl, I decided to let it go. "I might go."

"Great!" Katelynn smiled and I heard the door chime, looking up to see Preston who slid in the booth next to me, not giving me one glance.

"What's up guys?" He grabbed one of her fries and she scoffed, slapping his hand.

"Party tomorrow at Melanie's. You in?" I have never heard Zack talk so much before.

"I don't think she would want me there." He tries to take my milkshake but I grab it out of his hand. This guy really thinks he owns everything.

"We're all going." Zack nods at me and Preston finally looks at me.

"Even you?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes." I showed no emotion. I don't know why I hated this guy so much but all he did was make me mad.

"I think I'm going to skip out on it. Melanie's parties always sucked anyway." He shrugged, grabbing for my milkshake again but I slapped his hand. "What is with you guys and not sharing your food?"

"Go get your own," Katelynn eyed him. Seems like there was bad blood there too.

"Fine. See you guys later and Liz, see you Monday." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes as he walked out of the diner. It was weird how he came in here to talk then left.

"Is he working on your house?" Katelynn asked.

"Yes." I sipped my milkshake. "What is up with him and that Melanie girl?"

"They use to date but then she cheated on him and he went crazy mad, almost hit her and scared her."

"How do you know all of this?" I wouldn't share this information with just anyone.

"We use to be best friends then she tried to take Zack away from me." She looked at him and he sat there awkwardly. "I could've broken that girls neck if Preston didn't get me off of her."

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