Chapter 16

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I reached for my bag to get it out of the backseat but Preston grabbed it for me. "I got it, gorgeous." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes, shutting the door and walking up to the front of my house. 

I walked up the steps and put my key in the door, opening it. I let Preston go first and the first thing I hear when he steps foot in the house is "holy shit". 

"My room is up the stairs." He followed me up the stairs and into my room, setting the bags down on the floor. 

"So you really live here?" 

I smiled. "It wasn't my decision but yes. I live here." He looked around my room at everything. I had almost all white furniture with a big tiffany blue rug in the middle. I had posters of bands hanging on my walls with lights and pictures of my friends and I in odd places. 

"Now I can see how you decorate your room." He went into my walk in closet and back out, staring at pictures before he looked back at me. 

"Sorry about the mess," I smirked at him. 

He smiled at me and walked outside of my room, looking around. Our house was almost considered to be a mansion but didn't have quite the number of rooms. It was an old house, built in the 1920s that my parents remodeled when they first moved in. It still had its original touches but looked more modern. 

"It's huge." He went down the stairs and I watched him from the small balcony in the house. He looked around at everything before coming back upstairs to meet me. 

"Why didn't you tell me you lived in a house like this?" 

"Never really came up." I shrugged as I heard the front door open. 

"Liz, we're here," my father yelled from the foyer. 

"Upstairs," I yelled back. I watched as he came around the corner and I saw him with the rest of my family. 

My mom looked up at us. "Darling, get ready soon. We have to be there in two hours." 

I huffed then went into my room. "Two hours isn't enough time for me to put a shirt and tie on." Preston shut the door. "I might as well go naked." 

"As much as I would love to see that, I think my parents would make sure you aren't seen around us again." I put my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. 

"I know for a fact that it takes you an hour to do your hair so get to it." He let go of me and pushed me over to my bathroom. 

"I'm pretty sure it takes you just as long." I stuck my tongue out at him and he came over to spank me.


We walked into the ballroom which was technically a reception hall but glammed up for this event. It was some big gala for rich people like my parents. My mother only wanted me here to look apart of the family. Even though I am nothing like them. 

"Preston, dear, fix your hair. We can't look like slobs." My mom tried to slick back a piece of his hair but I slightly pushed her hand away. 

"Mom, it's fine. Go converse." She gave me a dirty look but walked away from us and over to some of her friends. 

I grabbed Preston's hand and we walked over to the bar. I got myself a glass of wine and Preston got a beer. We walked over to a tall table and stood there. 

"They don't even card at these things?" 

"Nope." I took a sip of my wine. 

"Wish I grew up in all of this." He chugged his beer. 

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