Four Days

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Niall POV. (T-minus four days until Friday.)

The car ride with Liam to the tour bus is dead silent, that is until Liam breaks it. "How do you feel about all of this Niall?" I look up at him and swallow my spit "Well if its what the fans want then it must be good right?"

I say, Liam looks at me oddly. It goes back to being quite and I stare out the window looking for any sign of live sense we are out in the middle of no where. "Niall, I'm sorry." Liam says quietly and I look up "For what?"

I ask confusion written all over my face "When we where huddled I didn't ask how you felt about all of this." He looks down at his hands and I scoot over closer to him. "Liam, its ok. I just want to make the fans happy and you of all people should know this."

I say, Liam looks up at me and nods, he goes to say something is cut off by the drive saying that we have arrived at the tour bus. We grab our bags from the trunk and load them on the bus, we are the first to arrive but the rest of the boys aren't far behind.

We load on to the bus see as how Liam and I are the first ones on the bus we get first pick of rooms. I run straight over to my usual room and Liam chuckles at me "What?"

I ask feeling self-conscious now, Liam shakes his head at me. "You always chose that bed, Niall." I blush and look away, I don't always... Before I can say anything Louis rushes into the bus pulling Harry with him as he goes.

"Come on Hazza we gotta get a good bed!" Louis crys as he flys past me heading straight for the back. I laugh and turn around to face Liam who is giving this wired look. "What?" I ask and Liam snaps out of it "Nothing."

He says contuning to make his bed, I set my stuff down and lay on my bed. Its quite when the bus finally pulls out of the parking space, I roll over facing the wall. My bed creaks softly as another person slips into it. "Niall are you up?"

Liam asks his arms wrapped around me tightly, I nod and Liam takes a breath. "I just broke it off with Danielle." He whispers, my heart stops. I roll over and face him, the hurt in his eyes in unbearably and I attack him with a hug. We lay there locked in a fierce embrace as I listen to Liam's soft crys.

I rub his back and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. "It'll be alright mate." I say, Liam nods and lifts his head up from my neck wiping his tears away with his free hand. Danielle and Liam where always the perfect couple.

Never getting into fights, never taking breaks from each other. We both know the reason as to why he broke it off with her so I don't feel the need to ask why. I search Liam's face for answers to the unanswered questions in my head.

"Niam Hayne." I whisper to him and he nods looking away to the wall. I don't know how all this makes me feel, don't know if I should be ok with this or not. I watch Liam close his eyes and start to drift off into dream land. I close my eyes as well, even though its only five i feel as though its one in the morning.

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