Sharing Me?

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Hay guys so I have no idea what happened but I did upload this chapter before! I uploaded it on Monday but I guess I deleted it or something... :) Anyway! Enjoy! Sorry!


Niall POV

Tears run down my face as I think of what we just did. I'm running as fast can I can to this little park around the corner that i saw when Liam and I were being mobed by girls last night.

I sit on the swings not really swinging just sitting and trying hard not to sob. My phone vibrates away in my pocket, by the fourth call I pull it out of my pocket annoyed with its consent vibrating.

Alex's name flashes on the screen and I press answer "Now you answer!" He yells at me, I sniff a little "Niall! I've been calling you for two days straight asshole! I thought you died!"

He screams and I sniffle more "I-i'm s-sorry." I says sniffling "Ahw babez are you crying?" Alex asks his voice soft and concerned sounding. "N-no." I say trying to sound convincing, but Alex doesn't buy it

"Yes you are! Is this about you and Liam being together? Did that asshole hurt you!" Alex growls from the other end of the line, I shake my head "No, it’s about Zayn. We kissed but I'm with Liam..."

I trail off after I hear his high pitched scream from the other end. "He kissed you!" Alex yells, I sigh "Yeah.." The line is silent for a while "You need to go and talk to him."

Alex says softly, the line is quite once again as I think over what I could say to Zayn. "I'm not sure how I feel about him anymore Al." I whisper because it’s true, that kiss changed things for me and Zayn and I'm not sure they can go back to normal now.

I take a deep breath and tell Alex all the things Zayn said to me before we kissed and after we kissed. "Zayn seems to really like you Ni."

Alex says, comfortable silence comes around us before Alex dares to speak again. "Maybe you should give him a chance." Alex whispers so low that I can barely hear him, but the message gets through "What about Liam?"

I ask, Alex gives out a sigh "Aren't you supposed to be dating him?" Alex asks, I answer with a quick yeah before he continues "Well I'm pretty sure Liam wouldn't mind sharing for a while and neither out Zayn if it meant he could have you."

Alex says matter-of-factly, I gasp and I can practically hear Alex rolling his eyes at me "For realizes Ni, give him a chance before you go all psycho and stop talking all together."

Alex says innocence in his voice, I take a breath "Alright." I say, Alex laughs "That's my boy, now go talk to him!" I laugh at Alex "Love you Al." I say before hanging up "Love you too Ni."


Its a little after nine P.M. and the streets are dark and empty. I can't help but get a creepy feeling from them and being alone doesn't help that fact that I'm afraid of what's out there waiting for me. I pick up my pace as I see the tour bus only a few yards away.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that all bad things happen in the dark but I start running as fast as I can. I reach the tour bus and it feels like the world is spinning faster then normal.

"Niall mate you all right?" Harry asks startling me, I nod "Yeah, I just need to talk to Zayn." I say out of breath from running "Ah I think he's in his room." Harry says smiling at me before turning back to Lou and their game of goldfish.

When I reach Zayns door and find myself knocking at it I am at a loss for words. "Go away." Zayns cold voice answers at the fourth knock, I stop knocking "Zayn, its me. Let me in." I say, I receive a grumbled response "Zayn, please.

I'm sorry for running out on you like that ok." I say tears coming to my eyes, The door opens slowly and Zayn only reveals his head but I can tell he's only in his boxers. His eyes are red and kinda puffy like he's been crying, I press a hand to his door.

"Zayn." I whisper, Zayn says nothing just stared openly at me. I squirm slightly under the heat of his gaze. "What do you want?" He asks his voice not so polite as it once was, I take a deep breath and close my eyes "I want to talk. To talk about us."

I say, its quite for a while before the sound of Zayns door creaking makes me open my eyes fearing he had shut his door. Zayn stands there no longer hiding behind his door, his white Top Man boxers making his tan skin stand out more.

I step into the door and head straight over to his bed, sitting down and patting it for him to come sit with me. "About that kiss." I say once Zayn is seated next to me, Zayn closes his eyes looking almost pained when I bring it up.

"Don't worry Niall I would tell your presses Liam." He says venom flowing all around his words, I take his hand in mine. "I didn't come to tell you to keep in on the DL. I came to tell you, I wanna give you a chance."

I say, Zayns eyes are a little wide and he stiffens "What about Liam." Zayn asks a smile gracing his lips just a little "You too are going to have to learn to share." I say proudly, Zayn shakes his head "Ok." I turn to him my eyes wide now.

"What?" Zayn asks chuckling "Well I just thought that maybe you'd say something like 'No way in hell am I sharing with that bastard!'"

I say trying my best to imitate him, Zayn laughs "As long as I have you I'd mind sharing." Zayn whispers, his lips touch mine softly before he pulls away. Alex was totally right!

"How does Liam feel about this?" Zayn asks, playing with my hand. I laugh nervously "Well you see.. The thing is that.. Well.. Um.. I kinda sorta haven't told him yet.." I say looking down, Zayn lifts my chin up.

"Go talk to him and them come find me after ok." I nod and place a small kiss on Zayns temple before getting off Zayn comfy bed and heading over to Li's room.



Hay Guys!! Again SO sorry!!!!! OOHH!! Ziall and Niam!? How will Liam feel about this?? xx

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