Come With Me?

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Zayn POV

It's our last day in the small town of Beverley, I'm putting off telling Tristan goodbye. We've done everything from go to the book shop to go to a pub called The Push in the market place. Tristan shown me everything. We lay with on the grassy side of a hill, hands intertwined between us as we watch the clouds float bye. "It's my last day here." I say quietly after a few moments of silents, Tristan rolls over on to his side taking both of my hands in his larger ones. "Well, then we'll just have to make this day last now wont we?" He whispers before placing his lips to mine, Tristan's lips are just as soft as I remember them to be when we first kissed. Tristan takes my bottom lip in between his teeth and tugs just slightly. I let out a giggle, why can't this last forever? We pull away and Tristan helps me up, Tristan leads me down the street and into an apartment complex. "Where are we going?" I ask once we step into an elevator, Tristan presses the 6th floor and the elevator shoot up word. Tristan pulls me close, my back is pressed into one of the coroners of the elevator. Our fingers are intertwined with each others "I'm going to miss you so much." He mumbles into my neck, I nod numbly. Why is it that just when I find someone that I really like I have to leave? Why can't he just come with? That's when it hits me and it hits me like a brick. I could just fly Tristan out to London and he can just stay with me! "Babe! I have an idea!" I say, pulling way from him. At first Tristan looks upset that I pulled away, then his face changes into happiness "Why don't you just come with?" I say, a smile gracing my lips. Tristan looks down at the tile floor "Zayn, I can't ask you to do that. I can't ask you to take me home with you. Plus how would I pay for all that? Plan tickets alone are expensive as hell." Tristan says, I bite my lip and look up at him "Well I can pay for it." Tristan's head snaps up to look at me "Zayn no. There is no way that you're paying for a plane ticket out to London for me. We'll just have to call every night before bed and twice during the day. It'll be fine." Tristan says trying to ensure me that it'll be all right, I shake my head at him. "But I want too, Tristan please let me do this. I don't think I can bear to be away from you. Look I'll even let you pay some of the rent, please Trist." I say my voice cracking at the end, Tristan bite the inside of his lip and thinks it over. I hold my breath "Lets hope there's still tickets left for the 9 a.m. departure."


Tristan's bags are stuffed full of different clothes and other little items by the time the clock strikes midnight. We collapse on his small double twin bed, my head resting just above his heart. "Are you sure that the boys will like me?" Tristan asks, his fingers carding through the little blond streak in my jet back hair. I roll my eyes at him "If i like you, then they have to like you." Tristan sighs and it goes quite, the only sounds hear in his small one bedroom apartment is our breathing and the ticking of the clock.  My eyes close and my breathing slows, he says it so quite i'm not sure I hear it "I love you."

Liam POV

I watch Niall out of the coroner of my eye, some horror movie playing on the telly. Harry and Louis decided to have a little end of the tour boys time, with the exception of Zayn who is no where to be find. Harry and Louis are curled up in the little love seat, feet interlocked as well as hands. Niall's head rest on the arm of the couch but his hands are inter winded with mine. A scary part makes Harry jump, which causes Louis to chuckle at his Hazza. "Don't be scared Hazza, I'm here to protect you." Louis whispers into Harry's ear and Harry starts to grin from ear to ear. Niall scouts closer as the young blond girl enters the dark attic "Don't go in there." Niall murmurs softly to the telly, I smile softly and shake my head at the little Irishman. "C'mere baby." I say pulling Niall into my chest just as the killer jabs a knife into her chest. Niall lets out a squeak and hides his face in the croke of my neck. "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to watch that movie." Niall says as the credits start rolling "Whys that?" I ask, standing up and stretching, my joints cracking. "Well.. Well now I'm scared." Niall admits timidly, I pull Niall up to stand in front of me. I cup his cheeks in my hands "I won't ever let anything get you." I whisper before I touch my lips to his, Niall kisses back. I lead Niall back to the bedroom and when I'm sure his asleep I whisper softly into his hair "You have no idea how much I love you, do you?"

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