Keeping Up Apperecens

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A/N UPDATED #2!!!!!


Liam POV

I ended waking up before Niall which isn't a surprise because normally Nialls up at two'ish in the afternoon. I trace his hand with mine on his tummy, Niall's breathing is slow and deep.

I glance over at the clock, 11.45 P.M. I finally decide to get up and make Niall and the boys breakfast before Louis decides to try and burns down the bus. Its oddly quiet on the bus, the boys must have went out for breakfast or something.

I start making french toast for Niall and I. I had just finished the three french toast when Niall came in, in just his boxers his hair looking like he just had sex. "Mornin." He says sleepy, Niall takes a seat at the table and lays his head down.

"How many?" I ask just to make sure that I made enough "Six or seven." He says and I nod putting two more on the pan to make it even. I place his french toast in front of him and we eat in silence "Where is everyone?" Niall finally asks looking around the bus and at how oddly quiet it is.

I shrug and continue eating, Niall rolls his eyes and shoves his last piece of french toast into his mouth. Niall places his plate in the sink "I'm going to go get dressed then we are going out."

He says smiling brightly at me before walking away, my eyes go to his butt and I watch it sway as he walks away. Damn. I snap out of it and start eating again, I've been acting like this since I broke it off with Danielle a week ago.

I've started to notice things about Niall that I didn't before like the fact that he has a nice bum or that his bottom lip is a little fuller than his top.

I put my bowl in the sink along with my fork and head for my bedroom. I push open the door and am hit with a cold breeze, I shiver. It's weird being in here because the whole time we've been on the bus I've been in Niall’s but all my clothes are in here.

I pick out a blue button up and a nice pair of grayish white chinos to go with my black converse.


Niall POV

I meet up with Liam back in the living room "Where are you going?" Liam asks his arms slung around my shoulders, I shurg and his arm falls off so I take his hand because you know gotta keep up appearances....

We keep walking passing shops as we go unsure where to go just yet. We pass girls who stare and giggle at us and one even fainted...

"Look! Its Niall and Liam from 1D!" One girl shouts, which cause the hole shop to turn and look. Liam waves hello to the girls and they giggle "That's my future husband Niall!" One whispers way to loudly, the other girl shoves her "No way! Hes going to marry Liam!"

She says rolling her eyes at the girl, I laugh at the girls sillyness. Liam pulls me out of the shop and we continue around the collections of little shops. Liam pulls me into a Jack Wills and we head straight over to the hoodies.

"OMG! Its Liam and Niall!" A girl shouts "Shit!" I whisper loudly as a hole lot of girls come running in, Liam acts fast and pulls us into a dressing room. the dressing room is very small and we are smushed together in this tight space face to face.

So close that I can almost feel Liams lips on mine, if one of us was to move even the slightes we would kiss. I feel very tempted to move my head and kiss Liam but I don't I try to hold on to the temptation as long as I can before I give in and kiss him.

I mentaly slap myself for even thinking of kissing Liam. I open my mouth but am slinets with Liams finger before I can even speak "Where did they go?" A voice asks from outside then little room, the door nob jiggles, I shut my mouth and wrap my arms around Liams neck pulling his face to mine.

"Kiss me." I whispers quikly, Liams lips press against mine just as the door opens and I gasp, Their so soft. My eyes are closed but when I here the gasp come from the door my eyes snap back open.

I pull away from Liams perfect soft lips and turn to face the door, I blush as the two girls standing there slack jawed and wide eyed. "Hello." Liam says his voice cracking just a little, red rushes to him cheeks and I giggle.

"W-we didn't mean to interpret anything, we were just looking for our friend." The blonde one says and the brunette nods, her eyes still wide. "Its ok." I say still blushing because I can't help but feel like Liam liked that kiss just as much as I did.

Liam takes my hand and winks at the girls "Well I need to get my boyfriend back home now." He says boldly, I gasp softly, I love the fact that he just called me his boyfriend...

Liam leads me through the store and out to the street, we walk quickly and I try not to look back to make sure no girls are following us. It happened so suddenly that I don’t notice the running of feet until it’s too late and girls are screaming and crying.

I grip Liam’s hand like my life depends on it, Liam looks down at me and tries to smile. The girls are all around us and their screaming at the top of their lungs. Their to close, is all I can think. "Make it stop Liam." I whisper, Liam looks down at me and nods.

He drops my hand and motions for me to get on his back, I jump on and Liam starts running. We round a corner and Liam ducks into a not well lit up ally. I clutch onto Liams back as we hid in a small corner of the aly in the dark. I slid down his back and take his hand feeling even more scared now that it’s dark out.

"I think they went that way!" A girls voice yells, I flinch and Liam turns to face me. The pounding of feet getting closer and the tears start to stream down my face. I'm scared, my body starts to shake and I let out a sob. "No, no Niall not now."

Liam says pushing me up against the wall trying to calm me down. My breathing is rapid and I'm shaking like a leaf. "Niall, baby calm down. I would let them get you." He whispers into my ear, I can hear the footsteps getting louder and louder.

Liam cups my cheeks with his hands, his face inches away from me. "Li-liam." I shudder out, trying so hard to breath right and not start a full blown panic attack. I can hear their screams and loud running, I inch closer to Liams face.

Liam stares into my eyes, I hear the foots steps come around the corner right next to our dark corner in the Ally but before I can look to see who it is Liam presses his lips to mine. I stop shaking almost immediately and melt into him, Liam is supporting almost all my weight with his upper body.

Our lips move in sync my arms rapped around his neck, I gasp when Liams hand slids up under my shirts and lays on my hips rubbing circles. Liam uses this against me and slips his tounge into my open mouth, our tongues touch and we both moan.

The buzzing of Liams phone pulls us apart both of us gasping for air and shaking slightly, Liam pulls out his phone almost dropping it in the promise. "H-hello?" Liam asks shakily into the phone, my arms are still wrapped around Liams neck and I pull him close not waiting this to end just yet.

I place my lips on Liams birthmark sucking slightly, and Liam throws his head back "Y-yeah we're ok." Liam says fighting back a moan, the person on the phone asks Liam a question but Liam ingnors them. "LIAM!" The person screams from the phone and Liam snaps out of it. "What Zayn?" So thats who on the other side...

I look up at Liam through my lashs and his eyes are closed. "We'll be home soon promise." Liam shuts his phone and puts it back into his pocket, pushing me up against the wall. I giggle at the purple mark left on Liams birthmark.

"You think thats funny?" He asks, and I nod giggling a little bit more. "Lets see how you like it." He says his deep brown eyes trained on my aqua blue ones, Liam attaches his mouth to my neck and I gasp when he starts to suck and lick at it.

I feel it start to bruse, Liam pulls away and kisses it softly. I bring our lips together softly and Liam pulls away slowy our lips making a little smack sound as they let go. "We should probly get going now."



So this chapter is eh.. It's more of a filler then anything. Truth be told this isent prof read.

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