•toni kroos•

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Credits to fortheloveoffutbol

I couldn't contain my excitement. I was nearly bouncing off of the walls as I opened my mail this morning and I still hadn't quite calmed down especially after downing two cups of coffee and the loud, fun music that filled my car as I drove to Toni's home.
He was the first person I wanted to share the news with. I hadn't called my parents, my best friends, no one. Toni was the person I had to show this to first. He was the person who had encouraged me to apply to the university in the U.S. He was the one who had helped me to write my admission essay. It was like I had gotten into this prestigious school for the both of us and now I couldn't wait to see his face when he saw the acceptance letter.
I creeped towards his door, already knowing he was probably home by the car in his driveway. I bit down on my lip as I reached for the knob to his door, twisting it just to see if maybe he had left the door unlocked. I had warned him it was always a bad idea to not lock his door behind him incase a crazed fan found their way inside but he never listened.
And he hadn't listened today either as the door opened under my pressure. I smiled and quickly slid inside, closing and locking the door behind me as I clung to the large manila envelope in my hand.
"Toni?" I called out his name and continued moving throughout his home. I had only been inside a handful of times with him usually choosing to meet me out or at my place but I knew my way around enough to know where he probably was. I moved towards the kitchen and though I called out his name, I got no response once more.
I made my way up the steps and looked up and down the hall hoping to see him peek out of some room. I looked towards his bedroom door that was slightly ajar and slowly walked towards it. It probably wasn't polite for me to be snooping around his home and poking around in his bedroom looking for him but I couldn't wait any longer.
"Toni?" I pushed the door open further and I got caught where I stood, my eyes bugging wide at the sight in front of me. I didn't even see Toni at first. All I saw was the long blonde hair of the woman whose back was turned to me and it didn't take me long to put two and two together to realize what was going on. The moans gave it away as well.
I was stunned and unable to move. I could see him peak past the woman, his face burning red with embarrassment as he quickly pushed himself from under her and used the white sheet next to him to cover his bottom. I finally gathered myself enough to turn around and shoot out of the room but I had Toni hot on my heels because as soon as I reached the bottom of the steps, his hand reached out and grabbed for my arm.
I turned for now, his face still red and mine as well. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have just invited myself in like that. I thought you were sleep or something. I..." I had begun to ramble before calming myself and shutting my mouth.
Toni looked just like a man caught in an awkward position as he stumbled for a response. "I know. It's okay. I...I probably should have locked my door." He gave off an awkward chuckle using his free hand to brush his hand through his hair and the other clinging to the sheet that was wrapped around him still.
"Yeah well...since I'm here..." I nervously looked down at my feet before holding out the envelope in my hands. Toni looked between me and the envelope curiously.
"What's this? Is this what I think it is?" A smile broke apart his lips as he reached for it and began to open it and I couldn't help but smile as well waiting for him to read the words on the paper. I waited and watched in silence as his eyes ran across the paper.
"Wow. You got in!" The sincere look in his eyes as he glanced up at me made me warm inside. I knew I had made no mistake making sure he was the first I celebrated this with.
"Yes. I got in. Thanks to you!"
"Oh no. No thanks to me. That was you who worked for this. Congratulations. We have to celebrate!"
I giggled a bit before shaking my head, moving the bangs that hung low over my eyes. "I think you have something you should probably get back to."
Toni's cheeks gained more color. "Oh right. Well...later! We can do dinner tonight. My treat." I gave a nod and he gave further instruction. "Wear something nice. I'll pick you up."
"Great. I'll see you tonight." He handed over the envelope and rather than leaving me with one of his signature hugs he stopped himself as soon as he took a step forward, realizing he was still nude aside from the thin sheet that would stand between us. We both chuckled before giving an awkward wave goodbye with me heading back outside to my car.

Toni had stuck to his plan to take me out to dinner to celebrate but there was still this awkward air about us from earlier as we sat in his car driving to the restaurant. I hadn't said much. I just spent my time looking out the window as the scenery sped past us or fumbling with the hem of my dress. I could see him look at me for brief moments out of the corner of my eye but it took him a while to finally speak up.
"You know, I've never gotten caught having sex. Even as a teen when I was scared a family member would catch me," he laughed.
I couldn't help but laugh as well. It was definitely a memory that would be stuck in my brain forever. "Well just my luck it would be me, huh?"
"Ah well maybe that will bond us together." Toni and I weren't the closest friends. We had only met each other some months ago and quickly became acclimated to each other especially as he attempted to help me get into a university. I hadn't let him into every side of me and he hadn't done that either but we seemed to understand each other.
We arrived to the restaurant soon after. I hadn't thought of which restaurant Toni would take me to but it seemed he had chosen the fanciest one he could find. We walked inside to the bustling of couples seated romantically with a candle and wine between them and men conducting business over the finest dishes.
A woman approached us and promptly addressed Toni who motioned to the upstairs, reserved portion of the restaurant. The woman simply nodded and led the way to the exclusive portion of the restaurant I probably would have never been able to get into if I was not with him. I nervously dropped my head to avoid eye contact with anyone who may be looking about or around towards me. I probably looked like the most out of place individual in here. Even the children inside were dressed nicely and looked like they belonged.
The woman led us to a table somewhat to the side and I took a seat across from Toni. It felt uncomfortable at first. I had never been in this type of setting with Toni and I couldn't help but feel like this was a date with the candle and flowers on the table set off to the side of us. Then again, why would it be a date? He was just having sex with a woman a few hours earlier.
I picked up the menu and my eyes grew wide at the prices outlined on the side. "Toni, these prices are..."
He chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. We're celebrating and you deserve it. Order whatever you want." He picked up his own menu and began to glance over it while I got distracted deciding on a drink to order until my eyes fell on the last person I expected to see.
There he was, clad in a dark blue blazer fitted perfectly to his slim build and a pair of what looked to be black slacks tailored to the tee. He looked like an important businessman, a rich heir as his dashing white smile lit up the darker upstairs of the restaurant, surrounded at his round table by men dressed similarly who probably held a little less power than he did or about the same.
I gulped nervously and dropped my eyes to the menu again now using it as a shield as I stirred uncomfortably in my seat. Toni must have noticed as he began to look up at me with concern. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It's just...a bit hot up here." I pretended to fumble with the top of my dress and fan myself. "Maybe we should have sat downstairs. It's a bit crowded up here."
"I can ask them to adjust the temperature?"
I quickly shook my head. "No, no. It's fine." I gulped again wondering if maybe I should press the issue in trying to possibly switch tables. Maybe he wouldn't notice me. I looked a bit different now, right? My hair was chopped a few inches shorter since the few months ago when he had seen me. Maybe all would go right and luck would be on my side.
I settled on something to order and folded my menu to the side reluctantly as Toni began to make conversation. "So are you excited to head to the U.S.? Start a new life?" Toni gave me a playful grin.
"I wouldn't say start a new life but yes, I am excited. It's going to be a bit different but I'm ready for the challenge. I never would have thought I'd get into such a good school and so far away. It's pretty crazy."
Toni gave a soft nod, a smile still forming his lips. "I'm proud of you."
"Well well well, look who it is." The familiar voice caused a chill to run down my spine, my eyes briefly closing as I tried to wish away the man standing next to our table, hoping that maybe I was imagining it all. When I reopened my eyes and looked in the direction he spoke from I realized I wasn't imagining anything at all.
There he was but now this time standing and looking down at me with that cocked smirk. His hands remained clasped in front of him, one of the many fancy watches he owned gleamed gold on his wrist and those piercing hazel green eyes remained dead set on me.
"Michael..." I cleared my throat as I awkwardly spewed his name but I let my sight drift down to the table.
"I would have never expected to see you here though I guess I can see why you are here." He let his eyes drift from me towards Toni. "Is she sucking you dry too?"
"Michael!" I hissed, my hands gripping the edge of the table so hard the end of my nails burned white. He simply gave off a shrug and a playful chuckle. He knew exactly what he was doing and I was hoping and praying that maybe he would stop before he got too far.
But Michael wasn't that type of guy. He oozed confidence and sometimes a little too much. He was full of himself and in the years we had dated, I learned that far too well. Our relationship was blissful at first. While I didn't have much to my name, Michael had everything. He had the backing of his powerful family, money, reputation and friends in high places. He used that all to his advantage and I fell for his charm quickly.
Things turned sour as I realized just how much I relied on him for everything and unfortunately he realized that as well and used that to have the upper hand in our relationship. I lived with him, he paid the bills and he mentioned that in every argument we had.
Michael leaned forward over the table, bringing our faces inches away from each other. "You know, you're so lucky I feel sorry for you because otherwise I could have you jailed for what you did." He stood up and adjusted his blazer, now changing his menacing stare to a smile. "But I'll let you live. You need it more than I do." He gave off that wink that made me shiver before walking away and back to his table leaving me to awkwardly avoid Toni's confused looks in my direction.
"What was that?"
"Nothing." I felt embarrassed. This was not a part of my life I had let Toni in on. He didn't even know I had recently ended my engagement.
"Come on. It has to be something." Toni looked concerned and not concerned in that he was digging his nose in my business but that he actually cared. That got me to somewhat let my guard down. I glanced towards Michael who sat with his back turned to me at the moment and reigned back in on Toni.
"I was engaged...to him. We dated for a while, he gave me this fancy expensive ring and when I realized it wasn't working I sold it. For a lot of money," I mumbled. "I needed money to travel to the States and visit campus and I needed money to get on my own two feet and buy a place so I sold it without him knowing. Our relationship was practically over anyway and it's not like he needs the money. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do but I did it." I felt embarrassed telling Toni all of this but he didn't show any visible signs of disapproval. He just gave a soft nod.
"That's not as bad as I was thinking."
"Look you don't have to be embarrassed. It's not like you sold it to buy expensive shoes or anything. You did it for your future. I get it. It was actually pretty smart." He gave a smile which made me give a smaller one in response before muttering, "Thanks."
"Really. You're the smartest woman I know. It's important for you to look out for yourself. Who knows? If you hadn't done that you may not have been in this position you are now getting into school. You deserve all of this and so what he's out of some money for a ring he didn't need anymore? But let's not spend all night talking about your past. We're here to celebrate your future." He reached for his glass and raised it before chuckling to himself. "God, that was cheesy."
"It was," I smirked. "But I like cheesy." I raised my glass to meet his, relishing in the sound of the two glasses clinking together.
"To you," he smiled.

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