•Lionel messi•

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By footballer-imagines-x

    You had been playing for the Barcelona woman's team for 3 years now.you had met him when the ladies trained with the men for the clubs anniversary. Lionel Messi. He was your everything, your missing piece, your soul mate, and before you met, your idol.
     You and Leo had now been dating for 6 months and it was the best six months you had ever shared with anybody. He was sweet, he was yours. You still couldn't believe it. I mean you had looked up to him for a quite a few years now and to be dating him was something else. Today you had a match against atlético Madrid ladies. I was only a friendly, but winning this meant everything to you since Leo was here to watch.
~just after half time~
     Looking into the V.I.P section of the crowd, you saw him, proudly supporting you. Barça ladies were already up 3-1, you having scored two of those goals.
The 86th minute
   That's when everything went wrong. A tackle that was meant to hurt you, and it did. You fell to the ground screaming out in pain, it had dislocated and possibly fractured your knee. You're career. Could you play again?
   All these thoughts running through your mind, the paramedics rushed onto the field with a stretcher ready to carry you off. Leo sprinting across the field towards you, but you couldn't concentrate or anything, it all happened too fast.
~at the hospital~
     You had just arrived by helicopter and Leo held your hand all the way. He really was great. The doctors and nurses put your knee back into place, that was a screaming match, the pain was excruciating. They then confirmed that you had in fact. Fractured your knee in two places. The next few days were spent sobbing and pushing everyone you loved away,including Leo. You knew it was wrong to do this, he had been there for you through it all and this was how you were repaying him. That night you barely slept. You were thinking of ways to make it up to him, so you ended up calling him at 3:30 in the morning and sure enough, he turned up.
     He was bombing you with concerned questions until you shut him up by gently pressing your lips on his. You pulled away and whispered, "I'm sorry Leo,I'm so sorry,I shouldn't have done that to you,I love you so much!" By this time you were sobbing again. Wrapping his arms around you, he whispered gently into your ear, "I love you too baby, don't worry about it,okay?" You nodded your head and moved over so he could lay in the hospital bed with you, laying your head on his chest, you fell asleep to his heartbeats.
~the next morning~
   You woke up with head in the crook of Leo's neck and his arms wrapped tightly around you. You smiled and wiggled out of his embrace so that you could sit up. About 10 minutes late, the nurse knocked on your door and entered a few seconds later, "miss y/l/n, the doctor would like to tell you something." She then shut the door after you nodded your head as a response. Shaking your boyfriend awake, you told him, " the doctor wants to speak to me, I mean us,about something." He half smiled and sat up rubbing his eyes and swinging his legs over the side of he bed to get up.
  The doctor entered the room 5 minutes later looking rather happy, lets hope he has good news, you thought to yourself. "Miss y/l/n, I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is that you 'will' be able to play again." He stopped after that to let you respond.al, you could do was cry, but happy tears this time. You ushered him onto the bad news.... "okay the bad will have to wait six months to let yourself properly heal and have plenty of rest but also keep active, try to walk for yourself, obviously when you get the cast off but I hope you all the best for the future, I'll check in on you later."
  All you could do was smile, this lasted for about a week, just constant smiling and happiness and Leo was loving it. He was happy when you were happy!

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