•alexis sanchez•

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By imagine-footballers

"Mummy! Mummy come look!" My best friends little boy called. She groaned playfully and smiled at me.
"Two minutes." Anastasia said, holding up two fingers and going to her little boy. I nodded, knowing that it would be a lot longer than two minutes. I sighed and began playing with my hair.
This was meant to be a play date, Anastasia's son with my little girl. But due to my daughters Father that hadn't happened. He was meant to have her for 3 days, it had been 5. He kept making excuses: 'oh she's ill, I don't want to unsettle her' or 'my Mother is visiting and doesn't want her to leave' or my personal favourite 'I'm her Father, I have a right to see her!'.
I was sick of the excuses, I had never spent so long without my little girl. It's not like Alexis and I had been a couple, we just had a friends with benefits thing. And when I fell pregnant with Avery he promised me that he would be there, which to his defense he was. Halfway through the pregnancy I caught feelings for him and he told me he felt the same but we should wait until the baby was born. I agreed but by the time Avery was born Alexis had already got himself a girlfriend. Ever since I had avoided contact except when necessary, ignoring his texts that came in the middle of the night and the phone calls that came when I was having a lazy day.
Anastasia came back and smiled, her little boy gripping onto her hand.
"Want to go walk through the town and get some lunch?" She asked. I nodded and got up, Max immediately gripping onto my hand just like her was gripping onto his Mothers. I smiled at the little boy, before sticking my tongue out playfully.

"Muuuummyyyy, can I pleaseeeee have a chocolate bar?" Max pouted, using his best puppy dog eyes that I knew Anastasia would find irresistible. She nodded in defeat and Max ran to the chocolate bars. I was looking at the fashion magazines when Anastasia called me over to the gossip magazine section.
"You need to see this." She said, handing me the glossy magazine.I stared down at the page. It was Alexis with some random girl, not only that but he was letting her hold Avery. No way had he broken the one rule we had: the other must be 100% OK with meeting a new partner. I knew she wasn't related to him, I had met his entire family.
"I need to go. Um, tell Max I'll see him soon..." I trailed off before hugging Anastasia goodbye.

I knocked on Alexis' front door, ready to have a full on screaming match. His Mother answered the door.
"Y/N! How lovely to see you? Are you here to pick up Avery?" She asked, ushering me through. I smiled at her, Alexis may be an asshole but his Mother was a complete and utter angel.
"I am. Is Alexis here by any chance?"
"In the living room with Avery." She smiled, leaving me to walk through to the living room.
Alexis was sitting on the floor with Avery and, surprise surprise, the random girl was sitting on the sofa. Her long, slender legs trailed down to the floor and she seemed to be uninterested in Avery.
"Ahem." I cleared my throat, making Alexis look up.
"Y/N, w-what are you doing here?" He asked, putting Avery down. I walked over and picked up Avery and cradled her close.
"I'm here to pick up our daughter, like what was planned for 2 days ago." I said, glaring at him.
"Can we talk for a second in the hall?" Alexis said, getting up and brushing himself off and leading me through. "I know I broke the promise and-"
"Look Alexis, forget about it. I can't rely on you for anything can I? And that is a problem. So when you decide that you want to grow up and stop messing around like a five year old, give me a call."

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