•harry kane•

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By footballerimagines

He watches you as you chat with your brother's friends whilst you're at some party. They're basically like brothers to you as you've grown up with them but to Harry they're competition. He realises how close you are with them but he doesn't understand that, for you, it would be weird to consider them as anything other than friends. There are millions of thoughts running his head, none of them positive.
You walk back over to him with a smile on your face but you can't help but notice the dull look on his face.
"What's wrong with you?" You ask. As soon as you're sat next to him his arm is slung around and he can't stop touching you.
"Nothing." You let it slide.
All throughout the night he doesn't leave your side which you don't mind. It doesn't bother you until you start to feel smothered by his advances as he keeps a hand on you at all times which is strange as neither of you are that into PDA.
"Right, seriously, what is wrong?"
"Nothing. Can't I just show my affection?"
"You're never normally like this. What wrong?"
"Just showing the world what's mine."
You don't realise what he means at first. After a while the penny drops.
"You're jealous." You grin. The concept is wild to you as your attention is always completely on him.
"You're jealous. That's why you keep holding me. You feel intimidated because of the boys here." You smirk yet he doesn't say anything, "you don't have to feel jealous. Those boys are like my brothers, it would be weird. Plus my brother would murder us if anything like that happened."
"Sorry." He mutters.
"Don't be, it's cute to know you care."
"I care about you so much."
"I care about you too, so don't be worrying about stupid, little boys. You're the only man on my mind." And he grins at you, a genuine smile. You couldn't love this man anymore if you tried.

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