•Kevin de bruyne•

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By footballfangurl

"Schat?" You heard the front door open and close, followed by the noise of Kevin putting his training bag down in the hallway and you smiled in relief. Your husband was finally home. You'd been hoping for a quiet night on the couch watching a movie when Y/S/N was finally asleep. He'd been fussy all day and didn't want to take any naps so you both were very tired.
"I'm in here!" You shouted, picking up Y/S/N and making your way over to the doorway that connected the living room with the hallway. When you arrived, you saw Kevin struggling to get his shoes off and you smiled again. He was always so considerate not to get the house dirty because he knew how much it annoyed you to have to clean again.
"Hey, how was your day?" You asked, moving closer as he finally straightened up and you wrapped you free arm around his waist, giving him a kiss on the cheek in the process.
"It was all right. It was relatively quiet today. Just a meeting and then training." Kevin said, bending down to kiss Y/S/N on his forehead and then kissing you on the lips. You hummed in pleasure, closing your eyes and finally able to relax a little bit. It had been a stressful day for you. Y/S/N was constantly crying and you didn't know what to do and you had to admit that the stress combined with the tiredness made you cry a few times as well out of desperation. But you were glad Kevin was home now. He could help out a hand. He always loved taking care of your son. "How was your day? I hope Y/S/N didn't give you too much trouble?" He asked, motioning for you to hand him Y/S/N so he could carry him for a bit. You gladly handed him over.
"Stressful to say the least. He wouldn't stop crying, no matter what I did. I've just finally managed to quiet him down. He barely slept today as well. I think it's cramps." Kevin frowned, looking over at you and no doubt noticing a little of the redness in your eyes from all the crying you did today.
"Why don't you relax for a little and I'll put him to bed. I have to talk to you about something." You nodded, moving over to the couch and kissing him in thanks when you passed him. He moved upstairs, softly speaking to Y/S/N and you couldn't help but smile again. You didn't know what you did to deserve such a loving husband but you were grateful nonetheless. You settled on the couch, changing the channel to something other than the baby channel that you had put on in an attempt to calm Y/S/N down. It hadn't worked, of course.
After fifteen minutes, Kevin came back downstairs and sat down next to you with a large sigh, putting his arm around you. You leaned into him, putting your head on his chest and let out a sigh of contentment as well. This is what you had been waiting for all day. Some peace and quiet.
You were watching some movie for a little while before Kevin spoke up, making you look up at him.
"I received some news today."
"Which is...?"
"I have the option to transfer to Bayern."
You straightened automatically, lifting your head from his chest and turning to him so you could give him all your attention. A transfer... a sensitive subject in your household.
"And what did you tell them?" You asked, looking at him carefully. You had already discussed this a few times and each time ended up in a disagreement.
"I said I wanted to discuss it with you. It's not only my decision. I've got you and Y/S/N to think of as well."
"What is there to discuss? We've already talked about this multiple times." You said sternly, moving your eyes away from him and fixating them on the television in an attempt not to get into another argument again. It didn't work.
"I know but-"
"But what, Kevin?" You asked, throwing your hands in the air and standing up before turning to him angrily, "You know how I feel about this. I don't want to leave England. We have a young son, do you honestly think that it'll be easy for me to settle in a new country, learn a new language, make new friends? And not to mention I'd have to leave my family behind. They wouldn't see Y/S/N as much as they do now! Do you want to take that away from them?" You exclaimed, your voice getting louder and louder. You saw Kevin's expression change a little from the calm one that he had worn in the beginning of your little tirade and you knew you had said something that ticked him off.
"First of all, calm down. Y/S/N is finally sleeping and if you wake him up, you can go and put him back to sleep yourself. Second of all, I had to leave my family behind as well. They don't see Y/S/N at all, unless I buy plane tickets for them to come and visit. Either that, or it's through a stupid video call. I'd like to see them more often as well but I can't. And how considerate of you to think of me in your decision making. Don't use Y/S/N as an excuse, we both know it's really you who can't bear to be away from your family. What a supportive wife you are." Kevin shook his head in disappointment and anger, standing up from the couch and walking away. You flinched a little in hurt at the last comment he made but stood your ground.
"Where are you going? Don't walk away from me! We haven't finished this discussion yet!"
"Yes, we have. Come find me when you set your priorities straight." That was the last thing he said before he ascended the stairs and disappeared from view.
You groaned in frustration, putting your head in your hands and sitting back down on the couch. You sighed heavily, mulling over his words silently. He was right, wasn't he. You weren't thinking of him at all. You weren't being a supportive wife at the moment and that wasn't the promise you made when you got married. But you were afraid. You had left England before, of course, to go visit Kevin's family in Belgium but it was a very different thing to go live in another country. And you knew that Kevin had been living in another country for a couple of years now, first England, then Germany and then back to England, but it just wasn't the same for you. You were a very family-oriented person and you didn't know if you could handle being away from them. But was it fair to Kevin if you didn't even try? Of course not. And you didn't want to be the person that held him back from improving his career. You knew you would never forgive yourself.
Sighing, you stood up and wiped the tears from your face before going upstairs to check on Kevin. Silently creeping up the stairs, keeping in mind that your son was sleeping just down the hall, you opened the door to the bedroom you shared with Kevin and peeked inside. He was laying on the bed with his back towards you. You contemplated returning to the living room because you didn't really want to deal with an angry Kevin - he could be very stubborn when he wanted to be- but you knew that you were in the wrong here and you knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep if he went to sleep angry with you. If this is what he really wanted then why couldn't you support him? After all he sacrificed for his career, surely you could sacrifice your easy life here in England for the love of your life?
You walked forwards hesitantly, crawling on the bed and lying next to him in your usual spot, hoping that he'd turn towards you but no such luck. He didn't move. Huffing silently, you leaned up on your right arm so that your weight was supported before pressing your forehead to the middle of his back. He tensed a little bit, letting you know that he was still awake but he was trying to ignore your presence.
"I'm sorry." you whispered, closing your eyes and pressing a soft kiss to his back. He shifted slightly but still didn't say anything.
"I'm sorry," you repeated again, lifting your head from his back and kissing his shoulder as well, "I know I've been an awful wife recently. It's just- I've had a lot of trouble dealing with Y/S/N and my mum has been amazing in supporting me and I was afraid I wouldn't be able handle motherhood without her advice." You said, taking a deep breath before continuing, "But if you really want this, I will support you in this. We'll look at a couple of houses in Bayern, with a few schools close where Y/S/N can go to school when he's old enough, I'll find a job there and attend German classes... just please, stop being angry with me."
Whilst you were talking, a few of the tears that had gathered in your eyes escaped and fell on Kevin's back and as soon as he realised you were crying, he lifted his head from his pillow to look at you. When you made eye contact with him and he saw the tired and sad look on your face, he sighed and turned to lay on his back, gathering you in his arms.
"I never said that I wanted to transfer to Bayern-"
"You don't?!" You exclaimed, looking up at him in surprise. Then why had you just argued?
"Let me talk," He said, before continuing to speak, "I don't want to transfer because I know how you feel about moving to another country. I just thought it was unfair to refuse or accept anything without discussing it with you. They made a good offer but I'm happy here in Manchester. We built a nice life here, didn't we? Why would I want to leave that behind?"
"Oh god, I'm sorry," you groaned, realising you had overreacted as soon as he had said that he had received an offer. You realised you hadn't even let him speak before throwing a fit. The subject was just very sensitive to you and that combined with the tiredness and the stress from today, made you lash out prematurely at your husband.  "I promise that in the future, I'll try to react more calmly. I just had a difficult day today. "
"It's okay," he said, kissing the top of my head, "and for the record, you are an amazing wife and mum. Y/S/N and I are so lucky to have you."

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