•gerard pique•

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Credits to neycrisbale

"Gazzy, just be yourself and everything will go fine" I said looking at him

He looked over to me as we were stopped at the red light, "Be myself? Is that even a good idea?" He asked his usual smirk on his face

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean" I said

Gazzy laughed, placing his hand on my thigh. "Don't worry muñeca, I got it I won't be the asshole version of myself"

I looked at him, "So which you are you gonna be then?"

The car moved, and he shrugged. "The real one" He said before stepping on the gas some more and speeding off towards my house.

I shook my head at him and laughed as he continued to make jokes and bring up memories. The ride to my house was a long one but his jokes made it durable, when we pulled up Gazzy's loud car turned off and we sat inside just staring.

"Why the hell is your house bigger than mine?" He asked looking up from the car

I chuckled, "Maybe because my Dad had it made to his liking?" I said

He nodded his head, "Right, right"

I shook my head at him, opened up his car door. Gazzy followed in suit and held my hand in his, "Nervous?" I asked

He shrugged his shoulders, "It was going to happened eventually right?" He asked

I chuckled, knocking on the door. It didn't take long for the door to open and reveal my Mom, "Y/N you're home early I thought you'd be out longer" She said smiling

I smiled giving her our normal hug and kiss before motioning over to Pump. She looked at him and then me realization hitting her, "Oh I'm sorry you must be Lil' Pump, correct?" She asked shaking his hand

He nodded smiling, "It's nice to meet you" He said

"Likewise, it's nice to see the guy who has my daughter smiling all the time" She said as she opened the door for us to come inside.

We followed behind my Mom, as she led us to the kitchen. "Would you guys like something to drink? Besides water which your father continues to fill the fridge up with" She said slightly annoyed

"I'm good" I said, the same time Gazzy said "I'll take a water"

My mom nodded her head, and handed him the water bottle just as my Papa walked in. "Papa" I said giving him a hug

He smiled, but looked over to Gazzy with a hard stare. "Who's this?" He asked

He stood up offering his hand to shake with my Papa, "Lil' Pump" He said

I chuckled, "That can't be your real name" Papa said

He shook his head, "Nah my real name is Gazzy but the only one to call me that is your daughter" He said

Papa nodded his head, but still kept his hard stare on him. We all sat down and talked, my parents introduced themselves and their job descriptions which wasn't really much because we can all be researched on the internet.

Gazzy ended up staying for dinner, and we continued to talk some more he stayed a little bit afterwards to talk to my Papa before we walked out to his car. "My Mom really likes you"I said

He smiled, "I could tell, she said she'd listened to my music before" He said

I nodded, "She's really all over the place with her music type."

"You wanna go and do something?" Gazzy asked

I smiled, "Lead the way"


"I told you to slow down, this is Barcelona not LA" I said hitting his arm

Gazzy sighed, "There ain't anyone on the road, we're fine"

I looked over to him as he flashed his famous mischievous smirk, stepping on the gas pedal pushing it all the way down. We were going so fast that we couldn't even make out what was around us.

And before we knew it we'd heard the sirens and slowed down, I looked over to him and raised an eyebrow. "See what I mean"

He just chuckled before, the police officer came to the window. "I'm going to need the both of you to step out of the car."

We complied with everything they asked us to do,and the whole time Gazzy just kept staring at the car. Which then prompted them to search the car, and find his most prized bag of weed ever.

I looked over to him, "You didn't leave that at home" I whispered

"I don't know anyone here who'll sell me anything"

I sighed shaking my head as they held up the bag, "Yeah we're going to have to take you two in"

As we arrived at the police station everybody there was shocked to see the two of us inside of the holding cells as they called my parents and his manager. The two of us sat there just talking and laughing after we'd gotten our photos taken. "Where the hell is she!"I'd heard from the entrance

I sighed, "Well looks like my parents are here" I muttered

Both my Parents and Gazzy's manager appeared before us, looking at the two of us as if we were crazy. "Do you have any idea what could've happened to you two?" Papa asked

"It was just-"

"No I don't want to hear it Y/N, you're never to see him again and if you do you'll bear whatever punishment comes your way" Papa said before storming off leaving me and Mom there with Gazzy and his manager


She shook her head, "Let's give your Papa time to calm down. " She said taking me

I looked back at Gazzy who was currently getting talked to by management we'd made eye contact for a quick second before I'd walked out of the station. As we got in the car, the tension was thick and Papa gripped the wheel hard.

Getting to the house Papa continued to slam the door and then explode once all of us were inside, "I can't believe you Y/N, I though we'd raised you better than that! AND WEED what the hell where you two doing with that much weed anyways" He asked "I don't even want to know what you're doing with that much weed, you know I thought he'd be a nice kid but I don't want you anywhere near him at all."

I turned to look at my Mom, "Mama" I said

"No don't look to your Mama to save you, imagine if the boys knew about this? Your brothers do you not think about them when you decide to do something crazy? I don't want to talk about him anymore"

Papa walked away, leaving the two of us once again. "I'll talk to him, Y/N, don't worry about it. I'm just glad that you're safe, and here in one piece."

Mama placed a hand on my shoulder squeezing it before walking upstairs to her room. I sighed sitting in the kitchen with my head on my hands. There's no way to come back from this is there.

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