Flashbacks - Intro

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(Anything in italics is Kryptonese)

(The day of the test)

Kara smiled as she looked down at the picture of her with Lena, her best friend. A single tear found it's way on the glass of the frame. Kara wiped her cheek quickly and continued packing up Lena's belongings.

"Where do you want me to put the paperwork?"

"Filing cabinets"

Kara's dull tone made Alex want to hold her and comfort her, but she knew that Kara needed her big sister to help her clean out her deceased best friend's apartment with her before she needed a hug.

"Kara, honey, come back to the DEO. I have a surprise for you!"  Kara heard Mon-El's voice through the comms in her ear.

"Kara, what did he say?" Alex looked at her with a puzzled look. "Why doesn't he just speak English?"

"I don't know, and it's just that I need to get to the DEO. Are you okay with sorting things out here while I help Mon-El?"

Alex nodded. Kara flew away. Mon-El stared at the blood test results on the screen at the DEO.

(The day she went missing)

Kara planted a kiss on her sleeping daughter's head. She straightened up and walked to sit on the couch. Mon-El was there, waiting for his fiance to sit back down and relax. As soon as he saw her walk out, he grabbed the remote.

"So, my walking ray of sunshine, what are we going to watch?"

He switched on the TV and flicked through a few channels until he noticed civilians being attacked on the news.

"We have to do something!" Kara sped into her Supergirl outfit and Mon-El stood to get ready to run. "No, Mon-El, someone has to stay here with Lee."

"She will be fine for an hour or two. Trust me"

Against Kara's better judgement, she and Mon-El went to take down the alien. Three hours later, they flew through Kara's apartment window to find complete silence. 

"I guess you were right, I'll check on her quickly, then we can watch a movie!" Kara smiled at Mon-El and made her way into the bedroom. Mon-El had only just relaxed when he heard a scream, that of a mother in distress.

(Finding her again)

"Kara we have a rogue alien using heat vision to mess up the streets."

"I'm on it!"

Kara landed on the roof of a tall building, giving a glare at the woman who was standing at the edge, facing out to the city. 

"I thought you wouldn't come, Supergirl."

The woman turned and Kara couldn't believe what she saw. The perfect mix of her and Mon-El. With her mother's eye colour and father's eye shape. With Mon-El's dusty brown coloured hair and Kara's long wavy style. 

"Who.. are.. you" 

Kara stuttered and stumbled back a little as she finally realised who was standing before her. She didn't get a chance to celebrate her finally finding her long-lost daughter, as she was suddenly in a neck and neck battle with her. A battle that left them both hurt, not just physically.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now