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(I'm gonna do these last few chapters in POV style, hope you guys don't mind the change of style)

- Unknown POV and Unknown Location -

I opened my eyes slowly and turned to my right, where I came face to face with an attractive brunette. I closed my eyes again and rubbed them, then opened them again to find that I wasn't the only one with my eyes open, those emerald green eyes looked so familiar.

"Hey, love." The look that she gave me was both familiar and completely foreign.

"Hey... do.. do I know you?"

"Not funny, babe. Can you pick me up from work tonight? I have to..." I cut her off as she started sitting up.

"Who are you?" Her smile dropped and a look of worry overcame all the other emotions that I'd previously seen on her face.

"Honey, it's me, it's Lena." The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember anything. "I'm taking you to the doctors, they said this shouldn't be happening since the accident."

"Accident?" Things were slowly coming back. My name, my wife, a honeymoon, a plane crash...

"We were involved in an alien attack, love. Our plane back from our honeymoon was attacked by aliens and you were comatose for a week. When you woke up..."

"You asked me why I fell for you!" I suddenly remembered everything, but it felt off for some reason. Like this was a dream of some sort. I hugged my wife and she hugged back. I noticed her face was damp and when I pulled away, she was crying. "It's okay, Lee, I'm back."

"It's just hard, it wasn't supposed to happen again."

"I know, I'm better now." I smiled at her and stood up. "So you wanted me to pick you up from work?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm taking my car to get it switched." The word 'switch' for some reason triggered something in my mind. A flash of short auburn hair. I tried to shake it off but these flashes made me feel strange, even more like I was in a dream. I needed something to help me realise that this was real, something like my wife. I crawled across the bed and gently pulled her back down to sit next to me, then leant in for a kiss. "I have to get to a meeting, Di, please?"

"What time you do need to be there?" I asked, prompting her to check the clock. She rolled her eyes and started getting dressed quicker.

"Fifteen minutes ago." She groaned and ran to the kitchen, where she grabbed a coffe and left out the front door. I stood in the kitchen and smirked when the door opened again, Lena stormed in and grabbed her keys. "Goodbye, love, see you later!" She blew me a kiss and left. I giggled at her strange ways and went back into the bedroom. I sat on the bed and thought about this morning. After half an hour of thinking, my alarm for the morning went off and I started getting ready for work.

- Diana's workplace -

I was on my way out of my building for my lunch break when I ran into a man. I noticed that he seemingly pretended to fall. He muttered very many apologies and helped me pick up my belongings which had somehow gone everywhere.

"I'm so sorry, sir." I smiled at him, but when he looked at me, he froze. "Are you alright?"

"Who..." He stuttered. "Kara?"

"Sorry I think you're mistaken. My name is Diana."

"No, you're her" A tear fell down his face. "But you died." His voice cracked a bit and he tried to recompose himself.

"Do we know each other?" I watched him scan my face, then another tear fell.

"Sorry, yeah, uh, well..." He cleared his throat. "My name is Clark, Clark Kent."

"Oh, you work for the Daily Planet!" I realised who he was and suddenly felt like I was talking to a celebrity. Now I was the one who couldn't figure out how to speak.

"I'm really sorry about just now, you just look exactly the same as someone I lost just over a month ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that, we seem to be apologising a lot to each other." We laughed and walked to a cafe together, where we got to know each other better. After an hour of conversation, he opened up about his cousin, the woman who died.

I learnt that her name was Kara, that she was trying to protect people but got hurt. He told me that it was her husband who had killed her and that her daughter wasn't handling it well. Apparently, they hadn't yet been able to find the people responsible for her husband's turn to the dark side. When I asked what he meant when he said she was protecting people, he looked as though he was about to answer, but something made him get up quickly and leave without a proper explanation.

The next day, we ran into each other again, this time at the cafe. I asked why he had to leave so suddenly and he mumbled out a similar excuse to yesterday. He laughed it off and we got to know each other more. I told him about how I met my wife and what happened during our honeymoon. Suddenly, he grabbed me and we were in a large cold room. It looked like it was made of ice and there was a tall statue of a man holding a sphere.

"What the hell?" I yelled at him, nearly stumbling from the sudden transportation.

"Why are you pretending to be someone you're not?"

"What do you mean? I'm Diana Price, I told you that."

"Why would you pick a name that hits home, that's so close to a friend's if you didn't want us to know?"

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

"We watched you die. I held your body in my arms, Kara. Alex called me and I was there in an instant. Now you're acting like you don't even know me?"

"You're crazy." I started to walk away but my eye caught his and I noticed he was being sincere.

"Do you want me to prove it to you?" He ripped open his shirt, revealing him as Superman.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now