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--The Alien Bar-

As Kara and Lena belted out I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Alex laughed at Kara's expressions and Mon-El smiled delightfully at the sight of the two most important women in his life having the time of their lives. The two girls laughed hard at the end of the song and ran down the steps to where Alex and Mon-El were watching from. 

"Mon-El we totally have to song a sing together!" Through her alcohol clouded judgement, Kara didn't realise why everyone was laughing and despite slurring her words, almost everyone in the bar could hear what she was saying, or rather shouting.

"Yeah, we'll 'song a sing' soon. What sing would you like to song?" Mon-El teased Kara and she pouted with her puppy eyes. "I'm just kidding, Kara. Seriously, what would you like to sing?"

"Hmm," Kara thought for a while, going through all of her favourite songs. "Rewrite the Stars!"

"A Kryptonian and a Daxamite, perfect for that song!" Mon-El exclaimed and kissed Kara, then pulled her up to the stage. She giggled when she heard his voice, she imagined it to be a lot better than that. It was nice to have fun with Mon-El after the fight they'd had recently.

(Small flashback)

"Kara, I'm so sorry. I know it was wrong and selfish of me. But tell me right now, if I'd told you the truth before now, how would you have reacted?"

"I probably would be a lot less pissed if you'd told me when it happened!"

"I'm sorry. It was wrong not to tell you."

"You're such a lying arse! How could you lie to me again? After all that we've been through? And why did you slip up now?"

"I lied to protect you, Kara. If you knew what she told me, you'd go running into the crossfire and you'd be dead."

"You could have prevented Lillian taking our daughter from us! You knew she'd take her." Kara was now yelling and Lena ran out to see what they were fighting about. They soon came to an agreement and Kara was happy with him again by the next morning. 

(End flashback)

When Kara got to the end of the song, she realised something that made a tear fall down her cheek as she sang the last verse.

--Kara's Loft--

"So what was that about with Mon-El last night?"

"What do you mean?" Kara grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite, looking up at Alex with an innocent look.

"When you sang, 'We're bound to break and my hands are tied', it seemed like it hit home. Are you two okay?" Alex leant over and took a bite of Kara's pizza slice. Kara glared at her but then got a look of sadness across her eyes.

"It's just a fight he and I had a few nights ago. He lied to me again, and I guess it wasn't bad, it was about something Lillian said to him when she had him for a few days back when I was pregnant. But, I feel like it's all happening again and I'm losing him to his old ways." Kara thought for a while. "He's been going along with this lie for over two decades, since I was pregnant, Alex."

"Yeah, you said that. But you guys are bound to break because..?"

"I want to forgive him, Alex, but it seems like he's just going to keep turning back to old Mon-El. He nearly caved several years ago, when we had that fight after I told him I was going to give up looking for Lena."

"I don't know, Kara. Some people can't change easily but it doesn't mean they aren't trying."

"He's just so disappointing lately. I want to have the man I love back but it's like having Lena back is hurting him somehow." Kara smiled, "Maybe I'm overthinking this, right?"

"Maybe, but be careful with whatever you decide. Mon-El is a good man and if he does cave, maybe he just needs our help."

"I guess." Kara opened her mouth to talk about something she'd realised while singing with Mon-El, but was cut off by a scream and call for Supergirl and a loud crash that Alex didn't hear. Kara jumped and sped into her suit. "I'll be right back." Alex nodded and made a call to the DEO as soon as Kara left just in case Supergirl needed back-up.

Kara landed softly on the pavement, scanning the wreckage from a car crash which had been the reason a little girl called for help. Before she could save the little girl who had screamed, she was knocked into the air. Shocked by the hit, Kara didn't recompose herself in time to dodge the next hit. She couldn't see who was beating her and could only see what the alien was wearing, a familiar red and blue outfit.

After some time, Kara was nearly knocked out, but she didn't get the chance to pass out as suddenly she found herself tied up to the building with a rope that burned through her wrists. The more she struggled, the more it hurt. 

Kara's suspicions about who was doing this to her were confirmed when she looked up to see him with a rather large gun in his hand. He pointed it at her, only saying three words before he pulled the trigger multiple times. These three words were what Kara imagined the opposite of the three she was used to hearing.

"I've joined Cadmus."

When Alex arrived at the scene soon after Kara's comms shut off, she fell to her knees immediately. Her sister, her little sister who she'd devoted her life to protecting, was hanging by her arms, bleeding from too many spots to count, eyes wide and not moving. Alex slowly got up and edged towards her little sister, untying her from the ropes and noticing burn marks on her wrists, 'Kryptonite!' She thought. 

"Alex, where is she?" Lena super-sped to Alex, who was now holding her sister's body. "No.."

"I don't understand. She was alive before. Two hours ago. We were together. She was alive." Alex said through sobs. "I can't believe she was right, I can't believe he did this to her."

"Wait, who did this to her?"


Alright, short-ish chapter because I want to get the main climax out of the way and finish this story so I can start on a new idea I have. The main climax will be next chapter and probably two chapters after that will be the end of the book. It will be unlike a lot of my other books and won't end with a cliffhanger or sad ending. It will end really happily so just strap in :)

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now