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Alex cried out in the soundproof room. Anyone would have thought she'd lost the one person she'd always sworn to protect, oh wait.

"Alex, are you okay?" Mon-El was standing in the doorway of the room, eyes wide and a genuine look of confusion on his face.

"You!" Alex ran over to him and pinned him against the wall, pressing the button to close the door in the process. "You killed her! You killed my little sister. The woman I thought you loved. The woman who loved you!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Kara is very alive." Mon-El had his hands up in surrender. Alex could tell he wasn't faking the fear in his voice and she quickly let him go.

"You don't know.. and.. it wasn't you.." Alex took a few steps back, putting a hand over her mouth. "Oh Mon-El, I'm so sorry." She stepped back towards him, barely ready to admit it to herself. "Kara died last night."

--Kara's Loft--

Alex paced Kara's loft, unable to fully understand it. She sat on Kara's couch, where they had been sitting only hours before that devastating battle. Alex noticed a framed photo sitting on the small table to the left of the long couch and grabbed it, noticing a tear fall between the sisters' faces. She walked to Kara's bed, where her outfit for tomorrow was still sitting. Kara always planned ahead, even for what she was going to wear. That is, unless it was a date with a boy or a deadline for work, which she would always leave it to last minute. Alex chuckled to herself at the memories of her sister's antics. Letting out a shaky breath, Alex let herself fall onto Kara's bed, clutching the frame to her chest and sobbing until she couldn't anymore. After this, she just laid there with her eyes closed. Suddenly, a knock boomed throughout the loft. 

"Anyone there?" She jumped, recognising that voice. She rushed to the door, disappointed when she opened it. 

"Lena..." Alex sighed, letting a tear fall. "Sorry, I thought you were Kara. You sound so similar." 

"I'm sorry." Lena and Alex could both tell that the other was barely holding it together. "Can I come in?"

"Of course, you do live here." Lena sat where Kara always had on the couch, making Alex wince.

"Sorry, should I move?"

"No, no. You're just both so similar." Alex sat opposite on the single armchair, legs crossed and hugging a pillow. "Do you wanna talk abo..."

"No," Lena said simply. "I don't want to." Alex got up and sat beside Lena, putting an arm around her and Lena leant into her side.

"Okay. What about watching a show? Is that okay?"

"Sure." The two women sat in silence as they watched, or more accurately binged the entirety of Glee Season 1. 

--Unknown Location--

"Did you succeed?" 

"Yes, Lillian, nobody suspects a thing."

"And her sister?"

"Oblivious. I'm very good at faking my love for Kara as I've been doing for decades."

"You've proven to be on my side time and time again, but killing Supergirl was more than anything I thought you were capable of."

"It was my pleasure. As a Daxamite, I too want to rid the universe of Kryptonians. Whatever the cost."

"I must admit, you went above and beyond even by leaving your own daughter alone for my taking all those years ago."

"As I said, whatever it takes to make the Kryptonian race extinct," Mon-El smirked to sell the deal, then asked to be dismissed, which Lillian approved. On his way out of the room, he thought about his wife, poor Kara. He didn't mean to kill her, he was being mind controlled. He needed to pretend to be with Cadmus to take them down but it killed him to side with the monster who murdered the woman he loved. Saying the things he did was also hard, he would never wish harm upon Kara, or their daughter. He used his speed to get back to the DEO, where Alex was standing with a relatively empty look in her eyes. "How're you holding up?

"Not good. But the thought of putting a bullet between Lillian's eyes is keeping me sane enough. Any leads?"

"Apart from finding their Kryptonite storage, nothing. Not that it's much help now that she's gone." Mon-El's voice broke and he forced back the sobs threatening to escape. 

"It can still help us stop them from hurting Clark. She'd want us to protect him, it was her mission so we need to respect that." Lena chimed in, noticing that nobody had talked for a while. 

"I need to go punch something." Alex said, nodding when Lena offered to be her 'something'.


It had been over a month since the news about his cousin reached him. He wasn't sure how or why but all he knew was that he wanted revenge. Superman doesn't kill was the phrase Lois kept repeating to him, but he didn't care. Kara Zor-El was dead and Kal-El needed to avenge her.

Until he ran into the woman who would change all of that.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now