Final Battle

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Alex stormed into where Lillian was standing in her cell. Alex opened the cell and ran towards the Luthor, pinning her to the ground. 

"What did you do to my sister?!" It was more of a demand than a question. Alex put a hand over Lillian's throat, ready to snap it at a moments notice.

"I killed her, you know that. Poor little Alex Danvers, now so alone due to her sister leaving her."

"No! Kara's alive and she doesn't remember anything. You gave her a new life!" Her voice cracked and she started sobbing. "You made her forget about us."

"I did nothing of the sort. That girl is dead!" Lillian struggled beneath Alex's hands. "For all I know, you're lying to get me to spill information. That won't work!" Alex stood, letting Lillian go.

"You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?" Alex backed off a bit, wiped the tears away and rolled her eyes. "As much as I hate to say this, I think we need your help."

- Kara's POV at the DEO - 

I was in shock. I looked around the room, seeing all of this tech in one spot was overwhelming. Especially after being told I was supposed to have trained here and known this place since my mid-twenties. Apparently, I have a daughter and a husband. Well, a husband who supposedly killed me, but also didn't? I'm confused.

"Kara, are you okay? You look a little pale."

"My name is Diana."

"Okay, we'll call you Diana for now. Still, are you alright?" I looked at her hair, it was familiar. That word 'switch' popped into my head and then suddenly I remembered a few things. I stumbled back and tripped. Strong arms caught me and I looked up. 

"Kara." He breathed out. I blinked a few times, trying to remember him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." He let me stand and I noticed his eyes were now glowing red. "What the hell?"

"Relax, he's a Green Martian. He's probably just doing some mind reading thing." Alex was holding my hand now, and it felt normal somehow. I remembered how protective of me she is, she's my big sister. I remembered the first time I was Supergirl, saving Alex's plane. Shortly after was when my cousin visited, Clark Kent, who was Superman. After that, the memories stopped forming and I lost what little I had, just those memories remained. 

"It's not her!" He suddenly yelled, and then everyone had guns pointed at me. I raised my hands in surrender, looking at Alex. She had her hand over the gun in her holster. "Who are you?"

"Diana! Or Kara, I guess. I remember a few things." I didn't know what to say to convince them.

"J'onn, just give me a moment." Alex walked closer to me and pulled up my shirt. There was a scar on my left side just below my ribs that I didn't even know I had. "How did you get this?" I could tell she knew, and she was just asking to see if I was Kara and remembered.

"I don't know..."

"We were trying to take down Cadmus." She raised her eyebrows, trying to get me to finish this unknown story. I just shrugged. "Okay let me try this." She left for a moment, running down a hallway and coming back soon later with something in her hand. "What about now?" She pulled a glowing green knife out of its sheath. How was it that my only weakness was the thing to get my memories back? Was it that it's from Krypton, my home planet? Was it because of the way Alex reacted when I nearly collapsed? I didn't know the answer to those questions, but I sure as hell knew a lot now.

"Alex. It's me, I remember." She squinted her eyes, not moving a muscle. The pain grew and it felt as though the Kryptonite was intensifying. "Please." I couldn't fight it and I fell to my knees, one hand clutching my chest, the only place I could hold considering the pain was everywhere throughout my body, searing through my blood. I knew what I had to say to convince her, it was just hard to speak, so I spoke fast. "We were trying to take down Cadmus and you had to stab me to stay undercover." Her face changed from borderline anger to remorse and then worry. She threw the Kryptonite to the side and helped me stand.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now