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- Two Weeks Later - 

Kara grabbed her suit and used her super speed to get changed. She walked out into the main part of her loft and watched Lena and Mon-El snuggled on the couch, a dozen blankets over them, pizza and ice cream spread out on the table. Kara quickly cleaned up before taking off out the window, ready to save some people before getting to her job, which was now a teacher at Midvale High. 

All the kids loved her, she would always bring in the kids' favourite lollies if any of them helped her after school. She would even give some stragglers candy if they were staying back at school for a different reason. Some kids had even purposefully missed their buses just to spend an afternoon with 'SuperDanvers'. Little did they know...

On this particular day, there was a new student at the school. His name was Cal. Kara beamed a huge smile when she heard his name, remembering her cousin who'd gone to live in Argo City when the news had come that it had survived. She shook hands with the rather handsome young man after he arrived early into her Astrology class.

"My name is Kara Danvers. I teach English, History, Astrology and some others if necessary," She smiled at him, eager to see what sort of student he was. "Why don't you take a seat? The class should get here in around five minutes." He didn't say a word, only nodded and followed her instructions. This sparked her interest, she wanted to find out more about this boy. 

Slowly, then quickly, the class filed in and took their assigned seats. Kara grabbed the whiteboard marker and scribbled a couple of words.

"Argo City. Who knows anything about this chunk of another planet floating around freely space?"

The boy didn't raise his hand, not that Kara paid much attention to him specifically. She did, however, notice a single tear drop from his eye to the desk, or almost to the desk as he moved his hand unusually fast and caught it. Kara raised an eyebrow, then continued on with the class. When that class was over, she dismissed everyone and walked over to Cal's desk, where he was slowly packing up his things. Kara sat on the desk in front of his and smiled at him. He was still shy and even shaking a little bit.

"Don't be scared." She said softly. "Why are you scared?"

"You're tall."

"Kryptonians often are." She hinted. She got no response from him. "Which means you will be tall too some day, I assume..." Kara waited for a second. She watched as his eyes lit up and the shyness went away. 

"You know?"

"You're not very secretive about it." Kara smiled again. 

"It's hard to control. I've only been on Earth for a year."

"How old are you?" Kara raised an eyebrow.

"Human terms, I'm sixteen."  He grinned, finally able to speak in Kryptonese after twelve months of struggling with English. He and Kara had a chat for ten minutes. They joked about Krypton and bonded over how obsurd some things are on Earth. It wasn't long until he started crying. 

"What's the matter?"

"It's gone. Home. It's all gone."

"But you're too young to have been around for the initial... explosion..." Kara's heart skipped at beat as she realised what had happened.

"Argo City." The boy put his head down. "I'm sorry. You're obviously Supergirl and I know that Superman came to live in Argo."

"Is he..." Now it was Kara's turn to shed a single tear, the information hadn't fully processed.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now