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- Alex's Apartment - 

Alex woke up with sweat dripping down her body and tears streaming down her face. Was that all a dream? Is Kara alive? Alex shook her head to try to erase those memories from her mind. 'It's easy to prove she's alive, just call her' Alex thought to herself. She didn't want to though, she didn't want to prove to herself that Kara was, in fact, dead. With a shaky hand, she reached for her phone. Four missed calls from Kara, three voice messages and about four dozen texts, that were still coming through. 'Thank God!' Alex thought and opened the messages, dazily typing out a quick reply.

Alex: Hey, I was asleep. What's up?

Kara: Where are you??
I've been trying to get a hold of you all morning, you're late for work
Lena woke up, she seems fine

Alex: That's good, isn't it?

Kara: Mon-El and I are still really worried about her, though. And I have an idea on how to get her powers back

Alex: Kara, no. Don't do anything, just wait until I get there

Kara: Then get here soon, Lee's asking when she can come home

Alex: Fifteen minutes, tops, see you soon x

Alex threw on some comfortable clothes and packed her uniform to get changed at the DEO. A quick glance at the clock told her she needed to get there as soon as possible. Four hours late, not very good for the Director of the DEO to be that late.

She took a few moments in her car to eat a protein bar and stop shaking from her dream last night. She really hoped Kara's idea wasn't to use a synthetic version of Kryptonite to transfer her powers to Lena. In Alex's dream, it literally killed Kara to lose that much of her strength so quickly. Maybe it was a sign, or a warning. Either way, Alex had to get to the DEO now to stop her sister from possibly doing something drastic.

"Thank Rao, you're okay." Alex ran to her sister and threw her arms around her. If Kara wasn't invulnerable, Alex would be crushing her. "I was so worried."

"Why? Lena's the one that got injured."

"Just a bad dream. Hey, what's that idea?" Kara took Alex into another room so Mon-El didn't hear them.

"So there's this type of Kryptonite..."

"No." Alex cut Kara off, looking into the room where Lena was, then back at Kara. "Let her rest, her powers could come back on their own."


"But nothing. I'm not letting you risk your life for this."

"My life? No, Alex, it just takes away my powers and gives them to her. She's better trained than I am, she has a way better fighting style..." Alex cut her off, choking out her next words.

"No." Kara raised her eyebrows. "You're not doing this, promise me you won't do this."

"Fine, but we're going to figure something out. Promise me we will at least try!"

"We will, Kara." Alex took a deep breath. "I promise." As Alex opened her mouth to comfort Kara a bit more, the door opened and 

"Supergirl? Agent Danvers? Lena is ready to start moving." 

Lena stood slowly, almost unable to handle the daggers rushing through her veins. Kara was trying to help her but was ordered to keep her distance. Lena agreed that Kara needed to stay away. 

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now