Child Support

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Kara stood tall on the building, staring at the woman she now knew to be her daughter. She took a few steps forward, wanting to be closer to the silhouette of Lena. She realised fairly quickly that she had her back to Kara, which made her relax her stature.

"Lena..." Kara called, half not expecting her to reply. Kara was right, the tall woman didn't reply, or even acknowledge this to be her name. "It's me. Your mother. Please talk to me, baby."

"What..." As she turned around slowly, Kara got yet another glimpse of her daughter. "What are you talking about? My mother is Lillian Luthor."

"No. She took you when you were really small."

"You're wrong. She raised me." With her head raised high, she made the last statement before taking off in flight, "Even if you're biologically my mother. Lillian raised me and I'd choose her over you any day."

"Because she took you from me!" Kara shouted. She was starting to lose her Hero composure, her knees began to tremble and after a few long seconds of standing there, she fell to the ground.

"Kara you need to get back to the DEO. Now." Alex's voice echoed through the comms but Kara wasn't conscious enough to hear her.

 - DEO -

"Kara, are you there?" The worried Alex grabbed her suit and gun, ready to face whatever had taken her sister. When she got to the roof, she was surprised to find Kara sleeping peacefully on the gravel. She rushed to her sister's side and rolled her over and onto her lap. "Please wake up."


Lena stormed up to the screens. She typed in a location and time, pressed enter, and watched for a few minutes. Suddenly, a familiar face walked past the window. She enhanced it and saw Supergirl, but not in her suit. She was holding a small child, Lena assumed to be 4 or 5 years old.

"What are you doing my child?" Lena spun around to see Lillian. "Why are you using the prototype?"

"It works, Mother. I was only testing it." She said while frantically pressing buttons on the keypad behind her back.

"It does? Well, what were you watching?"

"I wanted to see if Supergirl was telling the truth. About her child."

"And what you saw was tampered with." Lillian stepped toward the huge machine she'd spent a lifetime building. "Here's the real tape." Lena watched intently as Kara and Mon-El sat on the couch at the same time that Lena had seen Supergirl holding a sleeping toddler.

"Supergirl is lying?" Lena hid her sceptisism from Lillian. She was almost certain who her real mother was. She just couldn't be fully sure.

"Yes. But..."

- DEO -

"Kara!" Mon-El ran into the Medbay. Kara was sitting on the bed, Alex was trying to push her back down.

"I'm okay, Alex. Mon-El! Seriously, I'm okay."

"You were unconscious, not waking up, breathing irregularly. You have to lie down!" Alex was practically scolding her.

"Alex, leave her alone. She wasn't hurt."

"You too? Fine, I'm going to leave and you two can chat. Then I want an explanation." Alex stormed out and walked up the stairs to get some fresh air from the balcony. She looked into the sky and closed her eyes. 

"Are you Alex Danvers?" A voice, seemingly from the heavens said. Alex opened her eyes, disappointed when she saw who was really there. Alex slowly nodded while grabbing her Kryptonite gun from her holster. "You're my aunt."

"Land here slowly and kneel down. Put your hands up and close your eyes."

"Why my eyes?" Lena mumbled as she followed Alex's command. "Are you going to shoot me?"

"No. It's because I don't want to risk you using heat vision." Alex cuffed her niece and told her to stand and open her eyes. A tear fell from her left eye as she opened them. She quickly raised her hand to wipe it away before anyone saw but found that she had huge green glowing chunks of metal around her wrists. She put her hands back down and allowed the tear to fall.

Kara and Mon-El were talking about Lena when Kara heard the soft patter of water hitting the ground. She jumped to the conclusion of a tear and walked briskly to where she heard it come from. Mon-El followed in silence, not sure of what had struck Kara so interested and determined.

"No.." Her soft voice went almost unheard as she fell to her knees at the sight of her daughter on the balcony. Mon-El rushed to Alex's side, almost forgetting about Kara completely. He knelt down slowly in front of his daughter, carefully putting a hand on her cheek.

"Are you really home? Or is this a trick?"

"Lillian sent me..."

"Take her to the cells," Mon-El commanded, rising from his knees. A few agents ran up the stairs. Mon-El looked past them at Kara, now standing, at the bottom of the stairs.

"Wait!" Kara said, still talking softly. "Let her speak."

"She said she wanted someone on the inside but I was thinking that maybe I can be a double agent for you guys. Or a triple agent. I don't know. Lock me up if you guys don't trust me." She put her head down. "Actually, do lock me up for a while. Then you guys can.."

"Stop." Kara now went up to the balcony and stood beside Mon-El. "Stand up for Rao's sake." Kara was almost in tears, but she remained strong. Not that she knew why.

"Kara, what are you doing?" Alex whispered.

"Lena." Kara touched Lena's cheek the same way Mon-El had. She then took the cuffs off, ignoring the burn marks left on her hands. "We will trust you. For now. You're my daughter, I love you." They embraced in a much-needed hug. Kara now let herself sob onto her daughter's shoulder. She whispered in Kara's ear, but everyone heard what she said.

"At least you didn't have to pay for child support."

"You're definitely Kara's daughter!" Alex cheered and the four of them laughed, giggling as they jogged down the stairs, ready to catch up with each other after almost twenty years.

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now