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The next chapter (after this one) will be the last. Please enjoy. The last chapter will not be POV and it will be very long, just a warning. Okay, happy reading.

- Alex's POV during the storm of Cadmus -

"J'onn, I need ammo!" I yelled, he threw me a satchel and I quickly refilled my gun. I peeked over the top of the box I'd been hiding behind and shot a few more men. I yelped when a bullet grazed my shoulder and I quickly found the guy who'd shot it and took him out. I saw Lillian and realised that soon I'd have my chance to avenge my sister. Just as I noticed that the rest of the Cadmus guys were unarmed, J'onn looked at me and nodded, giving me the all-clear to do whatever I wanted with Lillian. I stood up and jumped over the box that had been my shield. I simply hit the first guy in the face and I flung the second guy over my shoulder, kicking him in the side of the head to make sure he was out. A few minutes later and only one was left, other than Lillian. I ducked as the last guy threw a punch at me and I hit him across the face twice. He stumbled but then tried to hit me again, which I dodged with a quick step to the left and I grabbed him by the back of the shirt, kneeing him in the chest a few times. When he fell to the ground, I put a bullet in his leg so he wouldn't get back up.

Then I turned to Lillian.

- Diana's (or Kara's) POV at the Fortress of Solitude - 

"You know it's supposed to be Prince, right? You know her better than I do and you still got her name wrong."

"Listen, buddy, I don't know what your deal is but I need to get back to my job and..." I suddenly remembered that Lena needed to be picked up. "Please?"

"No, you're staying here and I'll be right back." He flew away, leaving me with my thoughts, which were abundant. Memories of that symbol on Superman's chest flashed through my mind. Memories of friends that I don't remember from whatever life this is. Memories of another world, what looked like another planet. What did all of this mean? Was I going crazy? Maybe I'd fallen asleep at my desk again. 'Yeah, that has to be it' I thought aloud. This was all a dream and I'd wake up soon to pick my girlfriend up. Suddenly, Superman landed in front of me, holding a woman with the same Auburn hair I'd been remembering. 

"Kal what on earth..." She stopped everything when she looked at me, and it seemed as though she'd faint. "This isn't funny."

"Alex, I swear." That name, it hit something in my mind. A couch, laughter, that word 'switch' again. "It has to be Kara, she looks so much like her."

"What's your name, honey?" This Alex woman was doing some type of search of me, checking my wrists and ankles for whatever reason. 

"Diana Price."

"Well first of all, whoever's planted you in this alternate life, they got her name wrong." Alex chuckled. "Second of all..." Tears started forming in her eyes. "It's you!" She threw her arms around me, but I pulled back quickly. 

"Someone better tell me what's going on, or I'm leaving." Alex motioned to Clark, who nodded and picked us both up, taking us to a small apartment. 

"I'll start from the beginning."

- Mon-El's POV at the DEO -

When Superman came and grabbed Alex without a word, I knew something was going on. I looked at my daughter, who looked just as confused as I was. We both flew to try and follow him but we couldn't find the Man of Steel. I sighed and grabbed my daughter's hand while we were suspended in mid-air.

"Whatever that was, we know Clark would protect Alex at any cost, and vice versa." I smiled at Lena, who gave a solemn grin back.

"I miss her, Dad. I miss her so much." She started sobbing, so I took her in my arms and gently flew us to Kara's apartment. I had flown through the bedroom window and hadn't noticed my wife in the lounge until I'd placed Lena on the bed and walked out with tears streaming down my face. My world stopped as I looked up to see her blazing blue eyes and always perfect hair.


"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" She stood and offered me a hand. "I'm Diana Price, and you are?"

"Mon-El." I struggled to even get that out. I could barely speak, it was as if a miracle had come true, but I couldn't believe it.

"You're Kara's husband!" She took steps back, fear written all over her face. "You're the one who killed her!" She grabbed her phone and dialled a number, starting to hyperventilate. "Alex, it's Mon-El, he's here. Please hurry."

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now