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(Italics = Krytpnese)

 - DEO - 

Kara smiled weakly at Mon-El as she stumbled into the DEO. He ran to her aid, as did other agents. Alex helped them take her to the Medbay, where Mon-El sat at her side while she slept and healed.  Giving her some time to muster up the energy and explain what had happened. Just as he was about to try to talk to her, she opened her eyes and sat up.

"Mon-El." A single tear rolled down her cheek.

"What is it, honey?"

"It was her. Lena. Our daughter, she was there. It was her!" Kara rambled, not giving Mon-El space to say something.

The ramble continued on for another half hour, Kara was explaining what had happened during the fight with the mysterious new villain. Finally, Alex came back into the room to tell her and Mon-El to go back to her apartment, so she could rest. Mon-El didn't take his gaze off the trembling woman he was in love with. Nor did his thoughts waver from this idea that his daughter could still be out there somewhere.

 - Unknown Location - 

"How dare you!" Lillian Luthor shouted in rage. "Supergirl needs to pay for her crimes. For the casualties. For the death!"

"I tried, Mother. There was something about Supergirl. Something that made me weak, almost unable to fight her."

"You have been training for this your entire life. This is the reason you were created. This is the reason I haven't killed you in your sleep. I have no use for you for now. You may go back to your chambers." Lillian said this simply and quietly.

"But Mother..."

"Enough." Lillian waved her hand in dismissal.

The defeated young woman marched to her room. Her chambers. Her gaze fell to her bed, then shifted to underneath it. She knelt down and pulled a box from below the bed. As she sat on the bed, she opened the box and stared at the items inside.

The first had what she perceived as an 'L' and a shooting star engraved into a rather large circular ring. 

The second was a blanket. The material was something she hadn't been able to determine, possibly silk as it was so soft. It smelled faintly of cinnamon and something she could only describe as pure sunlight in sweet odour form.

Lastly was a faded picture. Two women and a man, the blonde woman holding a child. She couldn't make out their faces, she couldn't even make out any features other than one woman's green eyes, the other woman's long blonde hair and the man wearing the ring she had stored in the box.

She had always dreamt that this was her real family. That by some miracle, this wasn't her real home and she had a real purpose in this world other than to be the only person left strong enough to take down the great Supergirl.

In truth, she didn't believe that Supergirl was all that bad. She saw her as a hero, a symbol of hope and peace. She stared at the symbol on the top of the box. Supergirl's emblem. The 'S' for Super.

"Could it be..." She said to herself, then closed the box as she heard footsteps coming towards her chambers. The box was placed carefully but swiftly back under the bed in an attempt to hide it from whoever was due to burst through the door at any moment. The door didn't open, however, a voice echoed through, demanding one simple task of her.

"You must lure her back out and kill her. Do whatever it takes. She has to pay for killing my daughter."

"I won't let you down, Mother."

 - Kara's Loft - 

Kara used Mon-El as a crutch as he helped her to the couch. She whispered a soft 'thank you' and rested her head on a pillow. He planted a kiss on her forehead and went to the kitchen. He poured two mugs of Hot Chocolate and sat down next to Kara.

"We have to find her."

"The DEO is already on it, baby, give them time," Mon-El pulled her in close so that his right arm was resting over her shoulders and she was leaning into his chest. "If it is her, we will find her and she can finally come home."

"We thought she'd died. We gave up! We stopped looking for her.."

"Kara.." She shook her head to shut him up as the tears streamed down her face.

"We don't know if it's really her." 

"But we know she's equal in strength to me. She has Lena's features. She has our daughter's features."

"Kara. Stop. We don't know anything for sure. Once we bring her in, we can run tests, figure it out for sure." Mon-El pulled away from the embrace for a moment to look her in the eyes. "I promise, if this really is our little girl, we will bring her home."

 - DEO - 

Felicity pushed her glasses further up her nose as she and Cisco arrived through the breach. Every agent at the DEO immediately had their weapons aimed at the pair of outsiders. Winn ran to them, ordering everyone to stand down. Cisco went back through his breach immediately, knowing that he was no longer accepted on Earth 38.

"This is Felicity Smoak, from Earth One. She worked with The Green Arrow." However, due to circumstances, this only made most agents place their fingers over their triggers. "She wasn't a part of his plot." Winn once again demanded that they lower their weapons. 

"Thanks, Winn!" She beamed and gave him a hug.

"Ms Smoak," J'onn grumbled from behind her, she smiled in return. Although angry at her fiance, he couldn't stay mad at her with that quirky personality. "What brings you here?"

"I have some good and bad news..." She trailed off, reaching through her extensive knowledge to find a way to tell everyone. "Firstly, I'll give the bad news. Oliver is recovered and he's still in the same mindset as before."

"Crap," Winn muttered.

"But the good news is that we have evidence that Kara and Mon-El's daughter is still out there somewhere."

"So it's true," Winn stated as they all turned to the figure on the screen. The faint outline of her as she was on the screen in real time, terrorizing citizens again. "That's..." Winn couldn't finish. Instead, Kara walked up slowly behind him and whispered.



Hey guys. I know I haven't been publishing for a while and to be completely honest, it's because I haven't had any motivation to write. I had this thought quite a while ago for a story like this and I didn't really have the time or motivation to start writing it. 

So chapters might take a while to come out, I might take huge breaks as I have been doing with my other books. Don't get angry at the cliffhangers and how long the chapters take to be published, I'm trying my best.

If anyone has any ideas for where this story is headed, I have some holes in my plan and would like to fill them so all ideas are welcome. 

I hope you all have a lovely day, week, etc

Love you all...

Lost, only to be found (Supergirl AU - Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now