3) 10:54

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She woke up- later than usual. She ran into her kitchen and made a pot of coffee. After she downed one cup, she downed another up. Kylee wanted to feel as alive as possible, tonight.

Every 5 minutes, Michael's mom would barge into his room and yell WAKE UP. But at this time, he finally managed to wake up. It was a bit unusual for him to wake up this early, but then again, he is very unusual. He took a shower on the hottest setting- as possible, and put an outfit on which consisted of a red and black flannel and black skinny jeans. Then, he rushed into his kitchen to see his mom making him some pancakes.

"Made you pancakes dear," she said.

"But mom, you know how I can't eat before concerts, right?"

"You need as much energy as you can get, honey," She said as she placed a plate with pancakes in front of him. Of course, he took his mom's word (because mother knows best) and stuffed the pancakes into his mouth. "Didn't you notice, that I wrote ATL on your pancake with chocolate chips?" She asked him.

Kylee painted her nails a gray color- but more of a silver than a gray. She heard Keegan knock on her door, and immediately opened it, "Ky, we're leaving at 4:30, you're welcome."

Michael tuned his guitar, and yawned. Alex from All Time Low, finally called him asking him about the songs he will sing. Michael was obviouslyaaopp fangirling- that two members of All Time Low talked to him AND that he was opening up for him, like he was about to shit himself.

Kylee and Keegan were eating pizza together and watching concert videos of previous All Time Low concerts. They've never been to an All Time Low concert- let alone an actual concert before.

Michael walked just the few blocks to venue, guitar swung over his back. He was most defiantly nervous- but excited. Already, there was a huge line from the venue- and a portion of the members in the line recognized him.

"Hey Michael, can we take a selfie?" One asked, so he did.

"SIGN MY FACE!" Another screamed, so he signed a girl's cheek.

"SIGN MY BOOB, BUT WAIT NOT THERE BECAUSE THAT SPOT IS RESERVED FOR THE ALL TIME LOW GUYS TO SIGN- BUT YOU CAN SIGN THERE," A girl yelled, which was completely unusual for him- as nobody asked him to do that, but he of course did.

"Michaeeeeeeeel!" A girl yelled.

"Oh my god, who's that?" A girl asked, as she noticed everyone's hype.

He quickly finished everyone's requests and ran inside, as he was 10 minutes late. Inside his dressing room, he met them. When he saw them, he couldn't contain his excitement and was- well about to shit his pants.

"Hey Michael, it's Zachary," Zachary said, leaning in for a hug.

"I know," he laughed and instantly regretted it.

"Yo, it's Alex," Alex said.

"Yo, it's Jack," Jack mimicked Alex.

"And it's, Rian," Rian said finally introducing himself.

"Guys, I'm about to crap myself," Michael said laughing.

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