Chapter 21

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Landon Pov

After I hung up on the phone with Lexie I was kind of pissed off. I'm pissed off that she doesn't speak to her mother and that they haven't spoken in three years about to be four.

I'm more ticked off that her own mother the lady who gave birth to her haven't tried to reach out. I was about to call her mother Lindsey when I felt my wife wrap her arms around me.

" Baby what's wrong I could tell you were kind of upset when you hung up the phone with Lexie," Tyler asked.

" I just hate that Lexie and her mother don't talk. I'm madder that Lindsey hasn't reached out to try and talk to her own child," Landon said.

" Well, why don't you try to get those two in the same room so that they can talk it out," Tyler asked.

" One i'm not doing that being that Lexie part my child. Lexie can hold a grudge until she dies an aspect she got from me. I'm try get her mother to talk to her before she doesn't be talking to either of us," Landon said.

" Alright then baby you have to go work before your late," Tyler said pecking his lips.

" I know baby see you later," Landon said walking downstairs and out the house and getting in his truck.

" I know baby see you later," Landon said walking downstairs and out the house and getting in his truck

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Once I got in my truck I pulled off and just parked down the street so Tyler doesn't see me. I pulled out my phone and called Lindsey praying that this bitch answer the phone.

I don't know how Lexie and her mom relationship got so messed up. I went to jail before Lexie was born and I got out when she was nine about to make ten.

Although I was in jail she always came to visit me her brother or sister would bring her. That's something her mother doesn't know because she never came to see me and she knew better not to I would have strangled her ass.

Lindsey is the real reason I went away to jail for ten years for attempted murder and no one knows that but me and her. I would never tell my kids but if she doesn't fix this relationship with Lexie the truth going come out.

The truth going come out that she stabbed that dude half to death and not me. I covered for her because of the fact she was pregnant with Lexie and I didn't want her giving birth in jail. It happened to fast to kill the dude and hide the body so I told her to run and I took the wrap.

The least she could do to thank me is to fix her relationship with our daughter. I try to be there for Lexie as much as I can because even when I did get out jail I didn't get my life on track just that fast.

I got out and when back about two more times but now my life straight. I own house got wife and job and I get to see my kids and my grandkids now. The only thing that is missing is Lexie having a realtionship with her mother. My fourth time calling Lindsey now she finally picks up the phone.

Phone Conversation

Landon- Hello

Lindsey- Why the hell you blowing my phone up Landon

Landon- Hoe put your voice in check before I check it for your ass I don't play that shit with you bitch

Lindsey- Okay what's up then because I have things to do

Landon- You need to fix your realtionship with Lexie and i'm not playing with your ass Lindsey

Lindsey- Look Landon that girl right there is all you and only ten percent me. Lexie doesn't want anything to do with me i'm let her live her life and leave her be.

Landon- You don't know what the fuck Lexie want I do. I was in jail for ten years bitch of her life and have a better relationship with her than you do. Ten fucking years for your ass I couldn't see my child being born.

I couldn't hear her first cry or hold her or even be there in person to sign her birth certificate. I couldn't rock her to sleep at night when she couldn't sleep because you took that away. Do you know what the hell shit I had to go through and now you doing it to her.

Lindsey- Landon.........


Lindsey- silence on the phone

Landon- You have no idea Lindsey because your ass was a sorry excuse for mother you fucking bitch. I went to jail behind a man you were cheating on me with and then you tried to kill him all because he was going tell me.

Then after I went jail for you your ass still went back and killed that man. You think I don't know you put poison in that man damn food and made look like he died of heart attack.

Lindsey- But Landon.....

Landon- Didn't I say let me talk bitch

Lindsey- Okay

Landon- You know what I ain't even got nothing else to tell you but this bitch. Your daughter is graduating from Law school next Thursday so you need to get your ass on a plane before then and come to talk to her. Before I do something and seriously hurt your ass Lindsey i'm not playing with your stupid ass.

Lindsey- Or what you gone do tell them that I killed a man

Landon- I would never do that  I already served ten years for that shit and if the DEA find out I didn't and you did your ass be going jail.

I wouldn't hurt my kids any more than they already have been. Also, why would I be stupid enough to tell them bitch make them an accessory to the crime now get your stupid ass to New York bitch.

After I hung up on Lindsey I started my car up and drove to work.

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