CHAPTER 04. Blossoming New Bond

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Sorry for the late update we go for the next chapter. Enjoy your reading.

Naina entered to the college without preeti because as usual she got delay to get ready. When she was walking to her classroom, she collided with a boy. First they both apologised but the boy's face was tightened & his smile faded when he saw naina. He was the senior in that college & he is pankaj who got suspended from their school because of her father Rakesh Agarwal (librarian).

What are you doing here? He shouted at her.

Naina: I joined this college. She replied fearfully.

Pankaj: Oh, boys come here. He asked his friends to join with him to ragging her. They are most indiscipline gang of the college.

Pankaj:  Boys, her father is the reason for my suspension in our this is the time for repay for it. So ragging her.

The other friends of  pankaj surrounded her &  looked her like scanning top to bottom. Naina felt uncomfortable & started to pray god. "Please help me god".

Boy 1: do you no swim?

Naina: no,

Boy1: then think this as a swimming pool & swim here.

Boy2 : ohh, then her dress will drench, he said with a bad intention & his eyes again scanned her top to bottom.

Naina was shocked by their comments. More than that she felt guilt infront of everyone. All started to laugh. She got more insult from everyone.

Pankaj: no, no guys she want to propose me. Your father suspended me for proposing a girl nah, so you want to propose me infront of everyone.

Boy2: oh, no pankaj are you going to love this behen ji?

Pankaj:  laughed.. who will love this type of girl?  Whatever you say she trust it & do it, such an idiot, are you thinking she is beautiful? haa, haa,How can I love this behen ji. Its just for ragging. Oh hello, I said you to propose me.

Naina's eyes were brimming tears. They taunted her with her helping manner & of course beauty. She felt to shout "is anyone there please save from these boys"..

Finally god heard her voice & sent his messenger. Sameer was came out of the classroom to see his friends & he heard some noisy laughs, a groups of boys surrounding a girl, his eyes were widened when he saw naina inbetween them full of tears in her eyes. He went near them to figure out the problem, then he heard the bad comments on naina. He fists his hand tightly in anger, hiw can they behave with a girl like this? He moved all the boys, went infront of naina and held the hand of the boy who extended it to grab naina's hand. On the other side naina was relieved in sameer's pressence,he stood like a wall infront of her, if anyone's want to come near to her first they want to break this wall. She felt safe in his presence, an unknown comfort made her to grab sameer's arm to get away her fear, she took a long breath.

A cool wind embraced him by her touch & his all anger gone away. Her one touch is a magic for him.

Sameer's p.o.v.

I felt current passing throughout my body in her one touch, what is happening to me?  "Sameer you can think about it later first end this problem". My inner mind slapped me at right time. Yes sameer she believed in you, don't break her belief.

Pankaj: hey, see our hero is here to save his heroine.

Pankaj commented on them.

Wait, what this idiot is saying? Naina is my heroine?. "Yes idiot she is your heroine". My inner mind jumped in joy. No sameer,, your inner feeling is confusing you, first clear this situation.

End of sameer's p.o.v.

S: naina, JBR is searching you to give some notes, go & collect that.

He tried to end this problem smoothly rather than creating more problem to her.when naina began to leave on of the boy stopped her by his hand.

Pankaj: hey hero don' act like smart, naina I said you to propose me. Your father suspended me for proposing a girl nah, now he want to know what will happen if his daughter did the same. He want to be shame for his action.

Tears are rolling in naina's cheeks.sameer gettung irritated because of the boys taunting her. They were increasing sameer's anger. However he manged to calm his self, munna & pandit came towards them & suddenly an idea struck in his mind. He winked at them & shouted " oh god principal madam is coming here".

The most intelligent boys munna & pandit mimicked like principal madam & the whole rival gang ran here & there to escape themselves. Sometimes there silly tricks also working the trio boys hi-fived & hugged. Naina ran from there, she was unable to control her overflowing tears. Their every comments literally piercing her heart. She ran towards & sat down under tree. She hidden her face inbetween her lap, she want hide her self from all they badly teased her infront of everyone & their laugh still hearing on her mind. Sameer followed her & sat besides her.

Naina... he called her twice, but no response he can only hear her sobs.

Naina... he called her again she lifted her head up. His whole world was broken, becuause of her swollen & red eyes, & her chubby cheeks which were stained with tears. He tries to console her. Naina, I know its hurting you alot just forget about that.

But.....naina replied between her sobs.

I know naina, my words cannot heal your pain. But this boy was wrong his words are only medicine for her pain in future.but these two poor souls are unaware about their destiny.

Naina don't think about those idiots comments. Iam sorry naina if I have any power i'll share your pain, no i'll never let any problem to even touch you. Sameer tried his best to convince her.

His words gave back her smile. Thank you sameer.

Sameer: No thank you between friends.

Friends?    He forworded his hand & naina shooked her hand with him.

Friends. She replied & both smiled.

He got his handkerchief & extended it to naina, she wiped her eyes gently & gave it back to him. He carefully folded & kept it carefully as a world's most important thing in his life.shall we go naina? Otherwise we want to heard bad joke from jbr (lecturer).he imitated him and naina laughed heartily. They returned to the classroom with their blossoming of new bond.

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