Chapter Two

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I wake up fast because of my phone's vibration next to me and I take it immediately from my side on the bed. It's a hologram call and from no one else but the unique Samuel Rodgers, the school's football team captain. I stare at my phone's screen while it almost dissolves in vibrations till finally it automatically rejects the call. Oh, Anne, you would have died for this, I am sorry, I think, letting my phone fall next to me again.

Sam has been Anne's crush for more than three consecutive years now, but he hasn't paid truly attention to her, and now I am sure he is suffering the same rejection from me. He is a really attractive guy to anyone's eyes: blond hair and blue eyes combined with a strong and muscular body perfectly tanned. Almost no one resists his charms, but it's enough having a little bit of common sense to notice that he is no more than a player that wants to get anyone who dares to walk in front of him and that if there's something that he can't deal with is rejection, such a lesson that he's getting from me.

He has asked me out around ten times since we both won the shameful title of the most perfect ones in school, and I am pretty sure this wasn't going to be the exception for him to do it again.

My phone buzzes and immediately I can tell it's a message from him.

7: 23 PM SAM: Hey Madison, it's Friday and we are playing tonight, all my touchdowns are going to be for you.

I laugh at the way too expected message and begin to think of a possible answer before Sarah joins me. Another message.

7:25 PM SAM: I suppose... I'll see you there?

"Your parents are waiting for you to dinner," says Sarah and I nod sitting down.

"It's Sam... once again," I project the message from my cellphone as a little hologram and she giggles reading it while she covers her mouth politely.

"Madison, you should give that poor boy a chance" she laughs sitting next to me and I giggle again shaking my head.

"Oh Sarah, I bet you can't imagine how much I would die in order to kiss him as a reward for his so many touchdowns today!" I say sarcastically and she pushes me gently with her shoulder. I write a reply quickly without stopping to project the screen so that she can read it as I do so, "... I don't like football, but I am sure you won't run out of fans," she reads the message and I burst out laughing. "Are you aware that Anne's going to kill you for this, right?"

"She's... not going to find out," I say standing up to wash my hands on the sink of my restroom.

"When will I meet someone worthy of you?"

"The day I meet someone that is actually worth it," I say turning the faucet off and drying my hands. "Off to the awkwardness," is all I say before heading to the dining room.

Dinner is already set on the table around the big rectangle that forms it. Once again, the table is way much bigger than the necessary for three persons.

Teo opens the chair, which is in front of my mother, for me to sit and I do so. My father is seated at the head of the table wearing suit and tie, his usual outfit for dinner... or living. On the other hand, my mother has her long blond hair tied up in a big bun and is wearing a beautiful off shoulders red dress.

Dinner consists of pasta with garlic shrimps that seem, smells and tastes amazing. It's served along with slices of butter bread and white wine. It's one of the best dishes that Martha can cook, and I love it!

"How was school today?" my mother asks with her typical way to avoid the awkward silence that reigns always in our dinners.

"I was the best grade in another one of my classes," I say before putting a little bit of pasta into my mouth. "If you consider that something new."

My father looks at me disapprovingly for talking mouthful and instantly I swallow the pasta. "Sorry," I say ashamed and continue with my dinner, feeling my mother's look over me, which seems to be trying to hide her desire to smile for some reason.

The rest of the dinner is almost in complete silence with only the occasional noise of the cutlery against the porcelain dishes and nothing else. "Mr. Jones called today to schedule your class for tomorrow," interrupts the silence once again my mother referring as Mr. Jones to Michael, my personal tennis trainer. We practice each Saturday since I have memory.

"I don't really feel like practicing tomorrow," or ever more, I think. My father gives her a warning look immediately when he hears my reply. "I have plenty of homework," I lie trying to stop the looks exchange between them and fortunately I made it.

"It's okay Madison, we can call it off," my comprehensive mother replies again, and I nod finishing my glass of wine. My father's phone begins to ring, and he takes it immediately as if his life depends on it before standing up. "Gina," he calls my mother before leaving and she follows him to the garden leaving me alone in the dining room.

Minutes later Sarah begins to collect the empty dishes while I take my phone which starts showing me my messages in holograms. Five in a row from Anne asking me to go with her to the game, as expected, and two more of Sam giving me reasons to go and watch him play.

8:37 PM MADISON: I am sorry Anne, I am not in the mood of seeing Mr. Perfect and his minions.

I reply to her messages and reply to her beloved with a simple maybe next time. Then I help Sarah taking my dishes to the kitchen and drying them once she has washed them to then finally announce her my plans for tonight, "Monopoly?" I say once we are done and she shakes her head smiling.

"You should be getting yourself ready for the game but instead you prefer to stay home playing an old boring game of buying and selling fictional properties with your nanny," she takes my chin looking straight into my eyes.

"And any other person that wants to join me to make you lose. Right, Teo?" I look at Teo standing next to the door and he forces me a smile.

"I pass," he responds raising his hands and I smile at Sarah, "then I guess it's only going to be me," I say, and she burst out laughing.

Five hours later, Sarah falls in bankrupt and I become the unbeaten winner for the millionth time. "Another achievement for Mrs. Perfect," she bothers me starting to recollect the game and I laugh this time for her reference to that stupid prize that seems to be going to haunt me for the rest of my existence.

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