Chapter Five

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I am not sure if I look at the girl in front of me or if she is looking at me, fully serious. Her green eyes don't leave mine while she remains to lie on the white blankets. I frown trying to decipher what's going on and she does it too, imitating me. I can see her completely, like if I were looking at her flying over the room. I tilt my head to the left and she imitates me once again, I tilt it to the other side. Same reaction.

Two persons wearing white gowns approach the bed where the girl is lying on, two men, however, I am only able to see their heads until one of them looks at me. It's my father or he looks like him just that he seems to be a little bit younger. "Dad?" I say at the same time that the girl does, but strangely only hearing her voice.

"What are you looking at?" replies the other man looking at me too, Wen. My father takes out a syringe with a pink substance inside from the gown he is wearing and hands it to Wen.

"Dad?" I try to say once more getting the girl to imitate me again.

"Stay still Madison," replies the other man and injects the substance in the child's arm causing me a little sharp pain in the arm.

When I wake up, I am lying on the bed of my bedroom, sweaty and with my heart beating a thousand beats per hour. It was all a dream, I tell myself sitting down against the bedside and try to calm down. I try to understand all that happened in my dream but each question in my mind just makes it worse.

Why was the girl imitating me? Why when I tried to call my father the other man replied? Was the girl me? Maybe all of this doesn't have a meaning. Maybe everything is a product of my subconscious because of everything I found out yesterday. Isn't it?

I take my phone from the table next to my bed to check the time, almost nine. I need to talk with Levy about yesterday, I think he could find a logical explanation to all this matter.

8:32 AM MADISON: Can we hang out?

I send the message as fast as I can and wait for the answer. "Good morning," Sarah says showing up in my room's entrance holding a bedtable with fruit and two waffles served with coffee.

"Hello Sarah," I reply staring anxiously at the phone while she places the table over my legs. My phone buzzes.

8:37 AM LEVY: I will be at your house in two hours.

I leave the phone back on the bed and look at Sarah, "why didn't you tell me anything?"

"It was something that I didn't have to explain," she says sitting down in front of me on the bed. "Plus, your parents thought you didn't have enough age to understand it."

I take a little bit of the mix of fruits and yogurt, "have you met the child?"

"I have enough with you."


"I can't get in there, I guess she might have her own Sarah cleaning up all her mess," she jokes and I roll my eyes limiting myself to finish my breakfast. When I am done, she leaves with the dirty dishes and I dedicate myself to get ready.

Just when I finish with my improvement routine, my phone begins to buzz letting me know that Levy has arrived. I take the phone and his work from over the desk and run to the principal door. "Good morning miss Wrestler," Teo greets me, as he always does, walking me to Levy's white Jeep that waits right outside. "Drive safe," he says closing the door and Levy nods speeding up.

Once we are on the street, the sun enters through the window next to Levy creating a golden resplendence around his side face. He is handsome, like really handsome. With his brunette skin for so many hours surfing under the sun in the waves of Malibu and his eyes and hair of a dark brown, "I have a girlfriend, Madison," he jokes when he notices me staring lost at him, "and she is your friend... she is pretty jealous, to be honest."

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