Chapter Thirty Four

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As soon as the young man leaves the house reluctantly, a tall woman with dark hair and brunette radiant skin enters the house. She is wearing a suit all professionally and carries with her a red folder. Wen and I stand up right when the woman gets to the living room.

"Good afternoon, my name is Kendra Montgomery. I am the psychologist assigned to Alison's case," she introduces herself politely and we both nod.

"Wen Hoffman, it's such a pleasure," Wen offers her a hand and she shakes it.

"Georgina Wrestler, welcome," I do exactly the same thing Wen did and she shakes my hand with a kind smile.

"Who is the guardian of the child?" she asks opening her folder once we are sat.

"I am," replies Wen.

"Could you describe the girl's personality to me please?" he nods.

"Alison is a very active six year old girl, she likes being busy and learning. She's into asking about all what could possibly come to her mind. She's sweet and funny but above everything else she is a very obedient and intelligent child."

"Is there anything else I should be aware of Alison before talking to her?" asks again the woman.

"Well she is quite confused about the outside right now. I would appreciate if you could avoid the subject as much as you can," I almost roll my eyes at his request but when the woman nods I do my best to control that impulse.

"Does she knows what's happening?" we both shake our heads, "great, then I think we can start," she closes the folder standing up.

Wen is who guides us to the Test Room where the official in charge waits outside and opens the door for us when we arrive. Inside everything looks absolutely normal. Two trainees examine things inside the test tubes on the lab while another trainee observes the health charts of the girl. "How's our little one today Sanders?" asks Wen to the young man at the Control Table like he usually does while putting on his white gown and the gloves. He gives a pair to the woman and this one puts them on following instructions.

"Everything is under control sir," replies Sanders. On the other side of the room, Alison is in the corner building things with her Legos.

Wen types the code in the door making it open and getting the child's attention who immediately turns around. "Daddy!" she shouts standing up running to finally hug Wen's legs once the door closes behind Kendra.

"Hello Ali," says Wen passing his hand on her hair before pushing her a little away from him with her just smiling.

"Look it's purple," the child says showing him her arm as soon as she remembers something.

"He's going to kill us," says one of the trainees who are analyzing things and the other one laughs getting my attention.

"What happened?" I ask making them both to recover the composure.

"She wouldn't stop moving when we wanted to take a blood sample," one says. "I think we broke a vein". I roll my eyes at the lightness of how they take the situation.

"If he doesn't kill you, I swear I will do it myself" I say making them get serious again. I get closer to the glass . Wen bends down to reach her and examines the little arm of the girl. It's there when I get to see the bruise right in the flexure of her elbow.

"Did you move Ali?" she nods at his question and then looks at the woman. Wen sighs mad. He hates when the trainees aren't careful. They work with children, they can't expect them to stay still in front of a needle.

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