Chapter Forty Four

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When I wake up I find Dylan, Levy and Alison playing Monopoly next to me on the floor. I feel like crying again. I turn around, hoping none of them noticed I woke up, but I hear Alison calls my name. In less than two seconds, her chin rests on my bed. She looks at me with her big blue eyes and a smile.

"Hello beautiful," I say stretching my hand to caress her cheek. She giggles.

"How are you feeling?" she asks with a sweet and spoiled voice that makes me smile.

"I am fine," I lie to her. I feel awful and this time... not just physically.

"Are you coming with us?" she asks excitedly when Dylan arrives. She hugs his legs.

"Where to?" I ask, despite my condition..

"Zoo!" she says. "Dylan says they have elephants. Have you seen an elephant?"

"On TV," I say and she smiles to me.

"They are giant, even when they are babies," she tells me, making me laugh. "Can we go now?" she asks Dylan, who nods making her rush out the room.

"Is it my turn to say hi?" says Dylan. I blush immediately. He smiles and kisses me. In that small moment, I forget about everything. For a moment there's just both of us in tune and makes me feel like I'm travelling back in time.

"What are they doing?" I hear Alison giggle. We pull apart. It takes me a moment recover my breath, but I would certainly love to kiss him again.

"Something gross," replies Levy from the floor making us laugh. Alison makes a disgusted face nodding at Levy's words.

"You should stay with me," I tell Dylan and immediately Alison comes to stand next to him.

"No," she says, "he is coming with me." She pulls Dylan to make him stand up. He obeys.

"I am sorry, I am not a man of just one girl," Dylan jokes. I roll my eyes and smile just like he does. "I love you," he says before turning to leave. I am sure I am as red as blood.

"Isn't it too soon for that?" I ask. He looks back at me and thinks of it for a moment.

"Nah," he replies walking backwards to the door. "I love you, Madison Wrestler," he says dramatically again before the door closes in front of him.

As soon as they leave me, I start crying again. "What's wrong?" Levy asks, sitting next to me. I just cry. He hugs me and passes his hand on my back trying to give me the comfort that I need.

"I want this to be over," I cry against his chest. He hugs me tighter.

"I know."

"I told her terrible things, Levy," I say getting a lump in my throat, flashing back to what I told my mother. I let go of him to search for his judging face, but instead, I find nothing but comprehension.

"She doesn't blame you," he says. I gulp. "It wasn't your fault. You're sick, that's all."

"Do you think I might be losing my mind too?" He shrugs.

"I can't picture you saying what you said intentionally," he replies. "Georgina told me that the serum attacks all the organs. I don't know why it wouldn't attack your brain." I just stay quiet. "Why didn't you tell me?" he finally asks. I gulp getting my eyes full of tears.

"I didn't want to worry you more," I say. "You'd have tried to fix it and it wouldn't have helped at all."

"I would have killed him by now," he says. I force him a smile and then, I finally spill what I have been thinking for a while now.

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