Chapter Twenty Three

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If someone ever asks who the worst surfer on earth is, take for granted that the name that would come to the discussion would be Madison Wrestler. This is the twentieth time that I fall from the board and the wave takes me back to the shore.

I get out of the sea with my hair full of sand. My shirt is soaked and stuck to my body, along with the shorts that cling to my skin.

I let myself fall on the little blanket on the sand and watch as Dylan comes with the board under his arm while he claps his hands laughing. He looks better than ever. His hair is all disheveled with his curls wet and his muscles can be seen perfectly sculpted under the burgundy shirt that clings to his body. He smiles and that stills driving me crazy.

"Okay, that was definitely the best attempt of them all," he mocks, sitting down next to me. I laugh too picturing how ridiculous I may have looked being revolted on the giant wave.

"That wave was too big," I say defensively. The sun hits his face making the golden tone of his skin almost orange. Extremely attractive.

"Damn, you don't even need makeup," he says when his eyes find mine. They're even clearer and more beautiful in the sun. I blush at the fact that we are both observing each other like fools.

"You don't need makeup either," I joke. We must look as stupid as Jessica and Levy when they are together.

"I'm trying to be romantic here," he says brushing sand off his arms while he laughs as I do.

"I'm not good at that," I reply wrinkling my nose and as an answer, he just extends his arm to me. "What?"

"Well, someone needs to know of romance... come here," he says looking at the gap between his arm and his body. Oh. "Let's romantically watch the sunset," I smile.

"Getting between your arms wouldn't make it awkward instead of romantic?" I ask.

"Let's awkwardly watch the sunset then." He winks and I bite my lip shaking my head right before accepting. I slide to him making my head to end up against his shoulder, but not in the tender way of me leaning my head on his shoulder like you might be thinking. Literally, my head is against his shoulder. Stupid. I can almost feel him smiling for how stupid I am for staying this way but he doesn't say anything. I stay like this and in an attempt to keep my dignity intact before he holds me with his arm, taking my hand and then leaving both over my thigh making it even more perfect.

"Dylan," I say a few minutes later.

"Tell me," he says and I sigh before I finally start talking.

"When I was young-"

"Wait. Are we really doing this?" he interrupts confusing me and I just look at him.

"Doing what?"

"Talk about us..." he replies looking at me leaving me even more confused.

"Well, didn't you wanted to know what I hide?" I ask and that makes him look away while he shows a little smile that melts my heart.

"Nah, I am not really a person who cares about anyone's past," he replies. "Tell me something else."

"What else do you want to know?" I ask him and he thinks of it for a moment before smiling with all his teeth.

"I don't know," he says looking at me. "Tell me about your future, what you want to do... or tell me about you and Levy. I don't know. Did you two have something?"

I laugh. "You ask me that, of all things."

"You told me to ask what I wanted to know, and I really want to know if there was something between who I consider being my best friend and the girl that is driving me crazy," he winks an eye again making me blush. "So yeah... that's what I want to know."

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