Chapter Twenty Five

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Levy. Out off everything that I expected to find when I opened the door I find my best friend sitting on the individual couch in the living room. He shakes his head a little like warning us and it's when I notice he has been beaten, just like Dylan. He has a big bruise on his right eye and fresh blood on his lip.

The door shuts behind me and I turn around, expecting to see Dylan. Instead, it was a man I have never seen in my whole life. Tall with a broad, muscular figure. Intimidating.

"Welcome, Mrs. Wrestler..." he leads the way to the bigger sofa and despite the fear that he somehow causes me, I find the courage to cross my arms.

"Where's Alison?" I say with as much authority as I can.

"Perhaps you could help me with your girlfriend. What do you say?" he pulls Dylan in like he is giving him a hug passing his arm behind his neck. "Or maybe I could do it myself."

"Madison," both Dylan and Levy warn me with the same tone. I conclude that this man is the one who hurt them, if the look Dylan gave me is of any indication. I gulp and leave my pride aside take a seat on the sofa. If they are capable of hurting children I don't see why they wouldn't hurt me.

"Smart girl," says the man pushing Dylan right next to me making him sit down. Fortunately he maintains a bit of space between us.

"Where's-" I try to ask again when I see them coming. Wen and Alison, both getting out of the bedroom holding hands. Seeing them together makes me realize how much they actually look alike. They seem like father and daughter. I stand up trying to walk toward her before another man I didn't notice before pulls me back to the sofa. I look at him and I am not surprised when I realize I actually have seen him before. The truck man.

"She wasn't doing anything," Levy stands for me immediately but that only earns him a warning look from the man.

"Look who decided to appear," says Wen when he sees me like he is actually surprised. "Holland, would you mind taking her to the car?"

"Of course sir," replies the man, Holland, before walking toward them and pull Alison with more force than necessary from her wrist. "Let's go," he orders.

"Daddy!" Alison pleas, forming a lump in my throat when Wen lets go off her hand.

"We do not cry Ali," he says and she looks at him with her eyes shining with tears as she is forced to leave with the man.

As soon as they leave, Wen claps his hands walking to the wood chair almost next to me. "Shall we begin?" He extends his hands and asks, "Who's talking first?" He smiles, clearly enjoying the moment while the three of us just look at each other. Dylan is clearly lost.

"I'm sorry. I don't find any of this actually funny," I say. Wen looks on with his stupid smile on his face.

"The funny part is on how far did you believed that you could have went with this, beautiful," he mocks.

"I think I'm lost," Dylan finally says reading my mind.

"Seems like love blinds," Wen mocks again clearly making Dylan uncomfortable. We all stare at him annoyed except for his men who seem to laugh about everything he says. Wen stands up. "Let me help you with that. Sweetheart... your hand," he extends his hand to me and when I do nothing in reply the truck man takes me strong from my forearm standing me up and showing my right wrist to Wen.

From the white coat he wears over his suit, he takes out a little metallic cylinder similar to a silver pen. It makes two short beeps and then turns on a violet light that when it touches my wrist makes it feel like burning and lets me see it, my code.

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