Chapter Twelve

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I wake up before anyone else. Outside, the morning sun lights up everything in a fully shinning way. 6:52 am. I get up from the bed and I enter the shower. Today it begins. I will get out of the shower, gather all the pieces that Madison could have left as evidence and then I will go to Levy's house to talk to Clarisse. The sooner it starts, the sooner Madison can return and be out of risk.

I get out from the shower getting dressed in a burgundy skirt and a white blouse, dry my hair with the help of the automatic dryer from the mirror and comb it in my usual tall bun. I do my makeup and when I'm finally ready, I go to Madison's room.

As I expected, her room could easily give them all the answers they would be looking for without hesitation. Her school stuff is all over the bed, proving that she's not where she's supposed to. The silver key on the desk and her phone right next to it.

The phone begins projecting her messages in front of me as soon as I lift it up.

7:05 AM ANNE: Madison, where are you?

7:05 AM ANNE: Sam is looking for you...

7:21 AM JESSICA: Madison! Have you seen Levy this morning? He hasn't answered my calls since yesterday's night.

7:32 AM JESSICA: Are you with Levy? Why aren't you answering?!

7:47 AM JESSICA: Are you both planning to attend school today? This is not funny.

7:48 AM SAM: I've been looking for you all morning, where are you?

8:00 AM JESSICA: Are you alright?

8:02 AM SAM: Just found of about your encounter with Emma! Nice way to get rid of her! That's my girl!

8:15 AM SAM: Lunch?

My girl? Who's this Sam? Does Madison have a boyfriend? I guess that's the kind of stuff daughters tell their mothers when they hear them. This is the kind of surprises that you get when you not pay attention to them.

I lock the screen and save the phone in my pocket along with the key. Lock the door behind me and then, finally leave the house.


I get out of the bathroom with my hair soaked while I try to dry it with a towel. Alison is leaning completely against the window, attached like one of those stickers that people paste on cars when they have a baby on board, staring at everything that happens in front of her eyes.

"...I will be there in the afternoon, babe," I hear Levy from the living room. I find him on his phone when I get there. "She argued with her parents, we are near the Golden Gate..." he lies. "I will see you at your house, I love you," he says when he sees me and hangs up.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting on the uncomfortable wooden chair next to him.

"Seem like neither of us have answered Jessica's calls since yesterday. My phone ran out of battery and yours..." I get back to the room and start searching in my improvised suitcase over the bed for my cellphone, to then realize I didn't bring it.

"I left it in San Francisco," I say sitting down on the bed with Levy next to me.

"I supposed you left it on purpose. You know they could track it right?" he asks getting my attention.

"I wasn't planning on leaving it..." I say embarrassed. "You have to leave," I say a couple of minutes later.

"I am going to bring you some groceries. Then I will leave for San Francisco," he stands up. "I won't take long," he promises and then leaves us alone.

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