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My name is Sam but no one calls me that but my crew anymore. I go by rebel on the streets.
I'm a street fighter and racer. I also run the most elite, badass, most feared gang in America.
I had a mother, sister, and a brother. I say had because my mom and sister died in a "car accident" when I was 6 my dad lived tho.
But that's not the real story, my dad was drunk driving with my mom and sister in the car when he got angry and jerked the wheel and a semi t-boned the car. Killing my mom and sister instantly. My dad made it off with only a broken arm.
My brother on the other hand.. he made me who I am today. It was my 9th birthday, the worst day of my life.. I woke up to an empty house, I went downstairs to look for him and my dad but all I found was a note.

"Hey bear! I'm going on tour with some friends I made on an app, I'm living my dream, I hope you understand. Dad is taking me to the airport, I'll call you when I land. Well call, text and FaceTime everyday! I promise!
Love, JJ"

He was the only one who called me bear.. I loved it.. I ran back to my room and cried for hours. But he never called..Then my dad came home..
I was used to him hitting me.. but that day.. my father, the man who is supposed to love and protect me, raped me.
By age 14 I had been raped 6 times and beat so bad I was send to the hospital.
By age 16 I was introduced to the people who are now a part of my gang.. my real family.
By age 17 I was running the gang.
My dad found out when I was 16 and vowed to kill me.
He left and the house was mine.
I converted the basement into a safe house last year, upstairs is all bedrooms and my tech area, the garage.. well it isn't a garage anymore. I took out the door and replaced it with brick, and reinforced it with bulletproof glass. It is now the weapons room and where I keep all my cash. The only way into the room is a secret door behind a bookcase that you can only access with my handprint.
The main floor is all medical. There's a kitchen and some couches as well.
I'm now 18, I've been running the gang for 2 years. I usually bring in over 500k a night. I've got over 100 cars in a different location. I've got advanced technology no one else has.
There are 7 people in the gang, ( 8 including me) and I trust them all with my life.
They are my family. Jack (jj) will never be my brother again(or so I thought) I don't care if we're blood. He left me with an abusive father when I was 9 who also raped me and wants to kill me.
I hate him, but I keep tabs on him. After all he's me twin.. didn't see that did ya.

My gang is called The Masked Devils.
We are called  that for a reason. Whenever we make a move or do anything we always have our masks. We haven't been caught by anyone for 3 years. We're on the FBI, CIA, Police, and the Extreme danger groups hit list. There used to be 10 of us.. I'll never forgive myself for what happened to Alec, and Luke. First it was my mom and sister, then my best friend was killed in front of me, then Alec and Luke, Everyone I love dies.. and I have never let myself love another person since the day they died.

I'm messed up. I've been shot, kidnapped, tortured and more that I'd rather not bring up.
After my mike rapped me I started to cut. I've attempted 4 times. Jace and ash are the only ones who knows.
I drink and do drugs to cope with everything.
My gang are the only ones who know what happened to me.
Jack doesn't know anything happened he only knows what mike tells him.
Me and jack haven't talked or seen each other in 9 years..

But my biggest fear is that because jack doesn't know what's going on, mike will use him against me.
Mike now leads his own gang, and is fears by many. But not me.
He is responsible for everyone I love dyeing.

I Monitor Jack's phone activity, all of his calls texts stuff like that. The only reason for it so that my biggest fear, never becomes a reality.

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