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Nash pov
Hayes just came back with Liam and Keon, and they told us to back up, Hayes came running to me and I held him by my side.
K- back up, back up
L- what's wrong?
I think she was going to answer but cried out instead, then started seizing.
Hayes was getting freaked out so I had Matt take him into the other room to try and clam him down.
K- hold her down!
Keon said as Liam was filling a syringe with something. Then he put it to her arm and emptied it.
When she stopped seizing Keon put an oxygen mask on her and we waited.
We waited about 10 minuets until she shot up in bed.
K- hey! Relax, your okay..
Keon said rubbing her back. He laid her back down and told us to follow him.
Keon pov
Once everyone was outside I shit the door and began talking.
K- You guys deserve to be brought out of the dark on this, so ask.
The boys staid quiet for a moment, looking at each other, then jack spoke.
J- I want to know everything. I didn't want to not know what the hell is going on anymore.
I looked at Liam, not knowing if it was my place to tell them everything. He nodded giving me the okay, so I started at the very beginning.
K- just know, I'm not telling you anything you didn't ask for..
the day you left jack, mike raped her, and the beatings became more brutal. Raping her Became a weekly thing starting when she was 10. She was sent to the hospital 6 times by the time she was 11. When she was 14 she ran from the hospital into our wear-house, trying to get away from mike. We hid her for a few days and gave her our numbers. After a few months she called us, and a few months after she moved in with us, we became the masked devils... a year later, things got bad. She became best friends with Shana and started to get close to Jace, his brother Alec, and Luke, he was the father she never had. One day She was experimenting with some of her new tech, and there was an explosion. She got discovered by mikes gang, he vowed to kill her, but he wouldn't do it right away, he wanted her to suffer. We were supposed to be doing a pick up and stop a drop we got from an anonymous tip, but it was a trap. Shana Luke and Alec were killed right in front of her. He tortured her for weeks, and used biogenetical technology on her...she has abilities which is why she's able to teleport when she closes her eyes. We don't know the full extent of what she can do but so far we know she can heal, teleport,  she can move things with her mind every once and a while. when her eyes change color she can do different things. It took months for her to be able to control her abilities, and we still don't know everything she is capable of. And now jack..mike did the same thing to him that he did to her. Jace was the one who helped her so hopefully he can help her with him... it's a brutal process though..
I gave the guys a minute to take in everything I just threw at them.
Sam pov
Keon and Liam took the guys outside, after they shut the door my phone went off. I leaned over and grabbed it from the table. I had a text from Simon.
"S- hey. You got a moto race today at midway park. If you win you get 1000k! Need you here asap."
Jace is gunna kill me when he finds out i raced in this condition. Whatever. I can't back out, I sat up and put my legs over the edge of the bed. Once the dizziness stopped I stumbled my way to the back where all my dirt bike gear is.
I got all the pads on first then the rest of my gear. Then I grabbed my helmet and made my way out the back door.
Jace pov
Stephan took me to the gym to cool off, I was so mad at Sam for draining herself this bad.
I was going at it with a 4 time world champion mma fighter in the ring, I was so angry I didn't realize Stephan pulling me off.
The guy was on the ground unconscious bleeding from his face.
S- back off! Hey Jace!
I barely had any sweat on me, I threw the gloves off and changed back into my leather gear when my phone went off.
Simon texted Sam and told her she had a race
J-SHIT! Stephan we gotta go!
S- what? What's going on?
J- Simon told Sam there a race, you know she's not gunna back down.
S- I'll call Keon!
S- Keon! Where's Sam ?.... no, Simon texted her about a race!....well go check!...shit! Okay, meet me and Jace at midway park. We have to get to her before she gets herself killed....I don't care if you bring them or not but someone needs to stay with G, get ash to keep an eye on him.... and keep jack back, if things get ugly we don't need him flipping out, keep him with ash and G....okay, hurry there.
S- ok Keon and Liam are on their way there with the boys, ash is gunna keep and eye on G.
It was a 5 minuet drive from here to midway park so I hit the gas and was there in 3.
We pulled up same time as they other guys and split up looking.
Sam pov
I was getting my bike ready when Simon came up to me
S- you sure your up for this kid? You look like you just left the hospital..
E- I'm fine..

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