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Sam pov
It's almost 5 a.m. now and Jace has fallen back asleep. I was checking everyone over, when I got to Shawn i stood in shock. He had to be put on a ventilator.. in this moment I realized it was my fault...
I put my hand to Shawn's body and began the same process I did with G. Once I was finished i took him off the ventilator, and did the same with the other boys.
Once I was done healing my brother things started to go fuzzy... I was only ever used to healing small minor injuries, not 5 people all in the span of a few hours.
I was walking to the couch when my legs gave out on me and I fell to the floor.
Whenever I drain myself I can't heal again for a while and I become very vulnerable. I'm usually able to ride it out but this felt different.. I felt like I could actually let my guard down.. I didn't have to fight to stay awake, I could let myself sleep.
When I woke up I was lying in a bed connected to an iv and some monitors.
S- how long was I out?..
J- almost 9 hours
After Jace said that my heart began to race
S- JACK! He's been alone for 9 hours! I have to g-
I started getting up and was ripping the iv's out and detaching myself from the monitors when I got dizzy and started to fall but i was picked up before I hit the ground. My brother had me in his arms carrying me up the stairs. He opened the door to my room to reveal a sleeping G.
J- he's been sleeping this whole time, he's okay.
I nodded and he shut the door and brought me back downstairs and put me back in bed. Ash then began putting the iv's back and getting me hooked back up to the monitors.
Jace came up the stairs, I could tell he was pissed.
J- What the hell were you thinking?!? You can barely heal a few frown bones at the same time without passing out, but healing 5 people within hours?!? THAT COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOU KILLED!! Do you even understand that?
S- I'm still breathing aren't I?
J- why the fuck did you do that?
S- it was my fault they were ever put in that situation! I'm the god damn reason they almost died! I'm the reason I couldn't protect them! G IS LIKE ME FOR GOD SAKES AND ITS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT JACE!
I practically screamed crying. The heart monitor started to go off and ash was trying to calm me down.
A- you need to go cool the fuck out. Now! Stephan take him outta here.
Ash let go of me to push the boys out of the door and I was hugged by a pair of unfamiliar arms. It was Hayes.
H- you saved my brothers life.. I can't thank you enough..
He said crying. Hayes was too young to go with all the guys on tour, he was only 5. He had to stay home just like me and we became close after he was old enough to understand what was going on, but he never knew about the gang. Hayes is a little brother to me.
S- you don't have to thank me Hayes
He hugged me tighter causing me to yelp, I didn't want to scare him tho so I muffled it and tried to breath through it.
After a few minutes Hayes fell asleep and the living room began to fill with the boys. I didn't want to have to talk to them so I closed my eyes. I could hear them talking.
N-I can't believe she did that for us..
C-ya... she was saying how she hates us a few hours before... and now she almost died, saving us..
Sh- are we gunna ignore what happened?
M- what?
Sh- she can just heal us? her eyes, and what about her being next to you one minute and the next she's across the room?
I heard my brother tell them everything Jace told him at the cemetery.
I started crying, it hurt.
Thy came over to me and Hayes woke up.
J-what is it? What's wrong?
S-...it hurts..
I said crying
H-I'll go get someone
Hayes said running out of the room, jack was holding one hand, Shawn had the other. Nash, Cameron, Matt and taylor were standing at the foot of my bed.
Hayes came running back upstairs with Keon and Liam right behind him.
K- back up, back up
L- what's wrong?
As I went to tell them what I told all they boys I was hit with a huge wave of pain and yelled, then everything went black.

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