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When I pulled back, her heart monitor began beeping again.
G- Sam?!? Can you hear me??
Slowly her eyes opened
S- J..jack?..
G- I'm right here!
I put my had to the side of her face as we both cried when She leaned up and connected our lips.
We were interpreted by the front door being thrown open, then jack and Jace came rushing through the door.
Jack came running over to the bed followed by Jace and the others. He grabbed her other hand, presses it to his face and cried.
Jace pov
She's alive...
G kept her alive.
My head had finally stopped spinning, as I watched Sam I could see the aftermath of the accident. But From the corner of my eye I could see G stumble back and grab onto the wall to support himself.
J- hey, Gilinsky? You good?
He looked up from the floor and all I saw was his eyes roll back before he dropped to the floor.
S- jack!! Aghhhh
Sam sat up in bed and screamed in pain
J- Liam, Keon, get him on the bed! Cal, Stephen keep her down!
I rushed over and grabbed a scanner Sam and I developed to gage her powers, we hadn't used it in a while because we thought it was broken and after we fixed it we hand used it.
J- everyone back up!
I shouted as I held the scanner over jack's limp body.
Jj- what's wrong with him?!?
As I looked at the screen his vitals showed they were extremely weak.... so that's how he saved her.
He gave her some of his own life..
J- get him on fluids and put him on monitors, i want to know the second something changes.
Al and Ash took his shirt off and placed heart monitor pads to him, they also hooked him up to some pretty extensive machines to monitor him. I then turned and looked at Sam.
J- I hope you know your healing like a human. I think you need the reminder.
S- Jace...
J- don't. Guys, get her cleaned up, call me when you need to get her leg set.
I was so mad at her. She knows what can happen if she drains herself, but she did it anyway, and now look where we are.
If Mike hadn't changed G, we would be at a hospital right now being told she's dead.
I know I'm being harsh but I'm so fucking mad.
First she breaks protocol and opened fire at the air port, after that she relapsed, then it was when we were taken, she was hurt and she went in there alone. And she tried healing 5 people in a matter of hours.
The final straw was her racing and almost getting herself killed.
I think taking time to heal, having to go through the process and the pain will be good for her.
Sam pov
Jace walked through the door slamming it, then took off in the truck, He mumbled something to Stephan about going to pick up what's left of my bike.
I haven't truly felt pain in almost 2 years, and it was all setting in at once. I cried out when I took a breath in.
K- alright let's get x rays done
Keon pov
Stephen brought our Mobil x ray over and began setting Sam up with the help of ash.
Sam and Alec were our two smartest, they made half of our new med tech, including scanners for x Ray, cat-scan, and some others  for smaller things.
A lot of our tech consists of things modern day scientists have never even heard of, and we are the only ones who know how to use it.
Sam cried even harder when they sat her up for their second set of x rays
S- okay, relax
He said laying her down again
K- ash give her another 30 of morpheme
I said coming over and looking at the x rays with Stephan.
The top of her rib cage is completely crushed, and her sternum is fractured.
K- Liam, let's do full body scan on her done
L- I'm on it
After a few minutes Liam put the scan results up on the overhead monitor.
Jack pov
"Her left leg is shattered, dislocated hip, broken right arm, dislocated left wrist and fractured radios. Then there's the internal damage."
The words echoed in my head for the good portion of an hour as I watched Sam scream and cry as her team tried to fix her..
They haven't touched her leg, but they set her arm and wrist. They said her body would repair itself internally by its self so they called Jace and told him to come back to set her leg.

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