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I moved to the back as she got in and opened the tracking computer.
After Luke, Shana and Alec were killed we all got trackers Incase something like this ever happened again.
I got a ping on Jace and gave cal the address.
After an hour drive we pulled up to the same place they tortured me in last year.
S- mike is a creature of habit. He probably has them in the holding cells. I'm gunna go in and bring them back depending on how serious their injuries are. You stay here, when I bring them back help however you can, we don't have any supplies in here so improvise.
She nodded and I took off inside.

I pulled my mask on and walked around the back. There were 2 men guarding the back door to the containment building. I pulled the silencer out of my bag and attached it to my gun.
Once both men were taken care of I made my way inside. It was pitch black and could feel my eyes change. Suddenly I could see everything just as if I were in daylight.
I crept through halls and doors until I came to a door that had bloody shoe prints surrounding it and blood on the door.. it was fresh.
There was a small window into the room when I made my way closer I heard screaming and crying, followed by footsteps. I ducked out of sight just as the door opened and shut.
Once I no longer heard the footsteps I Meade my way back over to the window and looked in.
It was Nash and Cameron.
I silently opened the door, then shut it.
They were both on the floor backed into the corner, in their shorts crying.
S-hey..hey look it at me.. it's ok.. I promise
I said in a soft voice pulling my mask off slowly not wanting to scare them.
They saw me and cried harder as I got closer. When I got a better look at them, they had whip marks covering their upper body's, Cameron was cradling his arm, it was obvious broken, they were both covered in blood, Nash was holding his chest wheezing
S Nash? What's wrong
I asked and he leaned into me
N- I...can't...brea-
He said in between wheezes. But he didn't finish he went limp. I laid him down and put my hands on his chest and began feeling around.
He's got a few broken ribs and his right lung is collapsed. I dug around in my bag and pulled a tube and tape out, then I grabbed one of my knives.
Slowly I put the knife under his rib cage and made a small cut. I pushed my finger inside until I felt his lung, the I put the knife in a made a small cut again and shoved the tube in.
Instantly he took a huge breath in. I taped the tube so it wouldn't move and went to Cameron's side. He was still holding his arm crying.
S- what happened? Where does it hurt?
C- they started hitting my arm and hand with hammers... and they would whip us... Nash.. he fell and they kept doing it until he passed out..my whole arm hurts
He said in almost a whisper sobbing.
Gently I held his arm, his fingers were broken, the two bones in his forearm were obviously broken, it looked like his wrist was dislocated and his upper arm was pretty bad too.
I found shreds of the boys shirts thrown around the room, so I gathered them and made a makeshift sling and put Cameron's arm in it.

I need to get them to the secret room in one of the old offices down the hall. But they would make too much noise.
I have no choice. They will find out about my ability's. Nash was breathing, but passed out, so I turned to cam once again.
S- cam, look at me
I said placing my hand to the side of his face
S- I need you to close your eyes and trust me, can you do that?
He sniffed and nodded. He closed his eyes and my eyes changed again. I one hand on his good shoulder, and the other on Nash's.
C-..I..I trust you..
I closed my eyes. When I opened we were in the secret room. Cameron opened his eyes and started breathing heavy
C..but..how..we were ju-
S- Cameron! It's ok, you trust me right?..
He nodded. I kissed him on the head, then Nash
S- stay here and stay quiet
He nodded and and with that I closed my eyes and I was back in the room I found Cameron and Nash in.
I walked out into the hall and looked into the rooms as I went by them until I heard screaming...G... my heart stopped.

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