Strangers to Friends: A One Direction Fanfic

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Strangers to Friends: A One Direction Fanfic

Chapter 1: Across the Street

Maya's POV: "Come on guys, it's the sears tower!! I've been waiting for years to see this!" I yell, looking back at my friends Ellery and Valerie who are across the street.  "Maya, calm down!" El says. "we're coming."

I start walking back across the street to get them to hurry up. "Watch out!" Val screams. But I'm already halfway back, and I feel like I can make it across. "Screeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!" I hear, and then there's pain. Pain everywhere, especially in my right shoulder. I touch it with my left hand, and feel that it's out of the joint. My head feels wet, and when I touch it and look, I see it's blood. I take one more breath, and then I pass out. 

Liam's POV: "CRAP CRAP CRAP!" I think. I just hit someone! I get out of the van to see if she's ok, or if she's even alive. I kneel down next to her. There's blood everywhere...and omg is that her shoulder?? Is she conscious? I'm shaking her, and shaking her, and shaking her. "Wake up! WAKE up! WAKE UP WAKE UP!!" I'm screaming. But she's not waking up. "What have I done? What have I done? What have I-" "hey mate, the ambulance is here" a voice says from far away. All I know is that they're taking her away. They can't take her, whoever they are. She needs treatment, what are they doing?? "YOU CAN'T TAKE HER! COME BACK! YOU CAN'T TAKE HER!" I scream over and over again! Someone grabs me. "It'll be okay, just calm down; you can't do anything for her now. The doctors will do all they can." a voice says. I turn around, and see friend Louis. I thought he was my friend, so why doesn't he see that I have to get her. I hurt her; I have to save her. "Let me go, I need to get her back. It's all my fault. Don't you see? Let me go!" I'm screaming at him. Suddenly, Zayn, Niall, and Harry (my other friends) grab me too, and pull me back to the van.  But they can't stop me from getting to her. I need to make sure she's ok. I need to! 

Louis POV: Liam's finally screamed himself to sleep, so we got out to see if the girls that seemed to be her friends needed a ride. I walked up to them and asked if they wanted to come with us to the hospital. They said yes and we brought them back to the van. They were sobbing uncontrollably, so I decided to start a conversation with them. "My names Louis, what are your names?" "Wait, Louis, as in Louis Tomlinson??" the light brown haired girl says. Then she looks around the van, as if it's the first time she realizes she's there. She looks at the rest of the boys, and then back at me. "Your One Direction! Val" she grabs her friend, "Val, we're in the van with One Direction!" Her friend speaks for the first time, "We have to tell Maya!" she says, "she'll be so excited! oh wait…" she looks confused for a second, and then bursts out crying again. Her friend hugs her, and they hold each other and cry silently for the rest of the ride. 

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