Chapter 5: Out Of The Hospital

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Maya's POV: Liam walks into my room again, this time followed by Louis, El, Niall, and Val. "Harry and Zayn are at the hotel." He says. Ellery and Valerie run around my bed to hug me. "We heard your getting out of the hospital tomorrow!" Val says. "Ya," I say. "I'm so excited!" "We're so happy you are o.k." El says. "We were really worried about you." It's silent for a moment, and it seems like everyone is thinking the same thing. What if I hadn't been okay? I think. "Well, let's focus on the positive." Lou says. "Your going to be out of the hospital tomorrow, and even though we met under bad circumstances, at least we got to meet you three wonderful girls. When he says this, he looks at El. She blushes, and I wonder how much I've missed.


The next day


Louis's POV: We brought Maya back to the hotel room today. El said she and Val had talked to her, and all three of them decided to stay here this week. We were on vacation too, so we were excited to hang out with them. I really liked El, and I had an wanted to talk to her in private. I wonder where I should though.

El's POV: I was walking with Lou to a downtown park. Gosh, Chicago was so beautiful at night. I wonder what on Earth he had to talk to me about.

We found a spot and sat down. Louis turned to me, and those wonderful blue eyes just about made me melt. "I know I've only known you for a week," he said. "but it feels like I've known you forever." okay what is he saying? I ask myself. I hope he doesn't play that game that my last boyfriend played with me; the one where he keeps you guessing the whole relationship. Then I remember that this is Louis Tomlinson. He doesn't like me. He won't, and he never will. What was I thinking? He's only one of the most famous person in the world. He's is One Direction for crying out loud. I'm only Ellery. Just Ellery.

"Well, I was wondering," he starts. "I mean, it's totally up to you. And I know this seems sudden, since we barely know each other. But, what I'm trying to say is" he takes a deep breath and smiles the cute little cheeky smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes!" I say. "really?" he asks. "Really really." I tell him, making him laugh. "good." he says. And as he leans in to kiss me, I think to myself, "out of billions of girls, why did he choose me?" But then I think, "even though I only had 0.000001% chance of being with him, why couldn't it be me?"

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